Elections Trump Declares He'll "Close" Dept. of Education & Defund Schools That Teach Wrong Things

Tearing down the DOE is one of the better campaign promises I can think of. Our schools are a joke. Up here in Maine, our schools have dropped nationally from 19th to 43rd place in the country since 2018. As we've gone more blue, our state is dumber and the people are poorer. We've gone from being perfectly average to ranking below all the stereotypically "dumb" states. A massive number of graduating students are functionally illiterate. Can't read a clock, can't write to sign their name. A kid in 3rd grade 40years ago was more prepared for the world than 18 year olds graduating today. The left is more concerned with nurturing homeless, mental illness, illegals and opioid addicts than our kids.
So teaching Genesis as story of creation, , men are men and women are women , heterosexual marriages are only recognized form of relationships morally and legally and abortion BAD will get us to compete with other nations in STEM programs and scores , right ? Right ?!
Honestly, none of that has any place in the school, no side of those arguments and I don't know anyone not born in 1940 who was taught any of that. Never one time was my teachers sexuality discussed that I can recall. Not one time did I sit in class hearing the virtues of abortion.

I was never taught any of this in school. I was learning about math, language arts, basic american history, biology.....

How old are you and what were you taught in school? serious question. I don't really believe your school experience matches either side of your story, honestly.Stop being so conditioned to believe that only the 2 most extreme sides of the story could possibly be the answer.

Kids need to learn math, biology, language arts, etc. Kids don't need to know if being gay is cool or not. Kids don't need to be obsessing about abortion over their juice box and PB&J. School is not a place for people uncomfortable in society to showcase their lifestyle. Step back for a moment and look at it rationally and we can agree we've simply lost our way.
Why don't you retards look at the statistics of education since the formation of the horrible DOE. Get rid of all three letter agencies while we're at it
Tha single most hilarious part of this thread is how many uneducated goons who dont actually know what the Department of Education actually does, arguing for shutting it down, because a moron con artist who is also undereducated and likely doesnt know what it does, is promising them less Government. The Department of Education has NO say over currricula because it's not centralized, nor does it have any role in College accreditation.

All shutting down the Department of Education would do is defund more schools, and particularly schools that already struggle with funding, and programs designed to help homeless children (runaways and such), and effect the only schools the Department of Education actually controls which are the ones on Military bases.

This promise is just more disgust towards the poor disguised as a cultural issue, predicated on people blaming the inefficiencies of their State on the Federal Government because they hate the idea that those loud State leaders they elected who dont want the kidz getting gayinated in the classrooms might not actually be that interested in the quality of education as opposed to how they can funnel tax dollars to more religious institutions or private corporations. Nevada has some of the worst schools in the Country, we did under Trump and we did under Biden, that's because we elect Governors more interested in allowing corporations to build up the Strip than the schools, and it turns out having poorly educated kids doesnt stop them from becoming Hospitality workers, which we generally view as good jobs here. Now we have a Governor pushing further school choice, a school board in Vegas thats always in turmoil, underfunded and the money they do get doesnt seem to make it to the teachers or kids, and the private schools getting public money suck, too.

None of that has anything to do with the Department of Education. But it sure is cool to praise a con artist trying to tell me it does!

P.S. - it wasnt started in 1979, either. It was started in 1867. It has also been one of the smallest and least funded Agencies. All Carter did in 1979 was make it a Cabinet level agency which took education-related programs that other agencies were running and put them with the department of education, to lessen the workload of other agencies. Before we go demonizing it, might want to actually learn what it is.
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Tearing down the DOE is one of the better campaign promises I can think of. Our schools are a joke. Up here in Maine, our schools have dropped nationally from 19th to 43rd place in the country since 2018. As we've gone more blue, our state is dumber and the people are poorer. We've gone from being perfectly average to ranking below all the stereotypically "dumb" states. A massive number of graduating students are functionally illiterate. Can't read a clock, can't write to sign their name. A kid in 3rd grade 40years ago was more prepared for the world than 18 year olds graduating today. The left is more concerned with nurturing homeless, mental illness, illegals and opioid addicts than our kids.

Spoken like a true broke dummy
Concession accepted
if you think that's a concession and not me laughing in your face, be my guest.

>"trump threatening to defund schools for teaching things he doesn't like is bad"

>"it happens all the time"

>"give me an example"

>"here's obama sending out a letter about racial disparities in discipline"
Wait.. thats a bad thing?
Only if you think that firing black teachers and administrators en masse, and forcing kids into hostile school environments ignorant of their norms and culture, is a bad thing.

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The Department of Education has NO say over currricula because it's not centralized, nor does it have any role in College accreditation.

“Still, the federal government uses a complex system of funding mechanisms, policy directives, and the soft but considerable power of the presidential bully pulpit to shape what, how, and where students learn.”

Tearing down the DOE is one of the better campaign promises I can think of. Our schools are a joke. Up here in Maine, our schools have dropped nationally from 19th to 43rd place in the country since 2018. As we've gone more blue, our state is dumber and the people are poorer. We've gone from being perfectly average to ranking below all the stereotypically "dumb" states. A massive number of graduating students are functionally illiterate. Can't read a clock, can't write to sign their name. A kid in 3rd grade 40years ago was more prepared for the world than 18 year olds graduating today. The left is more concerned with nurturing homeless, mental illness, illegals and opioid addicts than our kids.
Well it seems like your state's education system is in steep decline when compared to the other 49 states. Since your state doesn't seem up to the task, wouldn't this actually be an argument to give more control to the federal department of education? Why do you blame the DOE when your state is having more trouble than most? Seems like you would welcome any help you can get.

If states stumble and drop the ball like you say then maybe having a little help from the feds would be a good thing.
“Still, the federal government uses a complex system of funding mechanisms, policy directives, and the soft but considerable power of the presidential bully pulpit to shape what, how, and where students learn.”


I'd recommend reading that entire article and not just one vague quote that seems contradictory to what I said.
You guys are all products of this failure of an education system and it shows. It absolutely needs to be overhauled, unless of course you think dumbing down of the population is a good thing.
It certainly appears to have affected you a great deal.