Trump: Banning Muslims from travel to the US was only a "suggestion"


Black Belt
Apr 1, 2010
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Donald Trump, who issued a December press release "calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," said Wednesday such a ban "hasn't been called for yet" and it was "only a suggestion."

Here is the video of him reading the press release that called for a total ban Muslims entering the US:

Never once called it a suggestion and even said "its common sense. We have to do it".

Looks like General Election Trump is preparing to dump the white nationalists. Wonder what other Trump policies are merely "suggestions"? Maybe the wall is next?
Dont blame the players, blame the game.
He's already flopped a few times on the wall and this.

Someone should do a Colbert style video of his flops.
Anyone who thought he would actually ban all Muslims from entering the country is a moron. That was just tofu being passed off as red meat.

It was fun reading that the stupid mayor of Paris was all butthurt about it, calling Donald an idiot or some other such insult. Like the future President gives a shit what you think. Get back in the kitchen and make a sammich, or un sammiche, or whatever you call it.

Inb4 Trump supporters (on the right)
Anyone who thought he would actually ban all Muslims from entering the country is a moron. That was just tofu being passed off as red meat.

So, many of his GE voters are morons then? They believe it.
So, many of his GE voters are morons then? They believe it.

Are you asking me if there are some people, out of millions, that are idiots? Yes, yes there are.

Not quite as many idiots as on the other side, though. Voting for Free Shit Bernie or Hillary the Felon is even more idiotic.
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If he plans on backpedaling every stupid thing he's said to get himself this far, he's gonna disappoint a lot of die-hards, and he'll be going backwards for miles.
If he plans on backpedaling every stupid thing he's said to get himself this far, he's gonna disappoint a lot of die-hards, and he'll be going backwards for miles.
So he's turning into a politician? Agreed.
So he's turning into a politician? Agreed.
Well yes.
It seems he's stuck with becoming a realist and upsetting his fans, or being a complete embarrassment of a fuck up.
He wouldn't be the first POTUS that needed a crash course in *everything* but he'd need the extended course and a tutor.
what the fuck. Islam is just terrible. Ban these fuckers.
Get used to it. I can't think of a single strong stance he took during the primaries that when pressed for details or a plan of action for implementing he hasn't totally about faced or walked waaaaay back. He's a good hype man who will tell people anything they want to hear so he can get what he wants out of them then he'll do some gold medal mental gymnastics routine down the road claiming he never actually means the words he says.

The strange part about this is his supporters keep coming back even after obviously being played like some girlfriend with low self esteem.
Trump's rhetoric and attitude is exactly what the Islamic jihadists want. They want people to live in fear, to feel hate and lose their humanity. The jihadists would love nothing more than having someone like Trump in charge of America.
Trump's rhetoric and attitude is exactly what the Islamic jihadists want. They want people to live in fear, to feel hate and lose their humanity. The jihadists would love nothing more than having someone like Trump in charge of America.

I love this logic. We constantly hear, "Don't do this because that's what the jihadists what; don't do that because that's what the jihadists want." Guess what? By constantly factoring in to our decisions what the jihadists want or don't want, we are giving them what they want, which is power over our decisionmaking.

If the people want Trump then fuck the jihadists. That's what we want, and we're not going to try and imagine whether or not this is a pleasing or displeasing result to some smelly hairy rapist in Desertfuckistan.

So no more of this "this is what the terrorists want" stuff. They are cannon fodder.
Trump pivoting to the center? Who could have possibly suggested such a things weeks and months ago...

Golly, that person might even have stated that the basis for the pivot would be that nothing he has said up to this point was actually stated as definitive policy ideas, just rants that were never fully substantiated.

Well, whoever that guy was, he's fucking amazing. :)
Trump's rhetoric and attitude is exactly what the Islamic jihadists want. They want people to live in fear, to feel hate and lose their humanity. The jihadists would love nothing more than having someone like Trump in charge of America.

Did they tell you this at their last meeting?
Trump pivoting to the center? Who could have possibly suggested such a things weeks and months ago...

Golly, that person might even have stated that the basis for the pivot would be that nothing he has said up to this point was actually stated as definitive policy ideas, just rants that were never fully substantiated.

Well, whoever that guy was, he's fucking amazing. :)
I like it. It's not a flip flop, or a lie, but merely a pivot. I will have to remember that one.

"Your honor, my client's statements were not inconsistent. He was only pivoting.":p