International Trudeau blaming MAGA Movement for dwindling support for Ukraine among Conservatives

Why did you have to go back 80 years to use an example?

Why not use the Korean War, Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc...?

Germany invaded US allies in Europe
Russia invaded US allies in Europe

If you want your logic to stand, you'd have to then condemn US involvement in fighting Nazis and helping UK

I use that example because it's applicable. US were the ones invading Vietnam, so its a different situation and not a good comparison
No. We just shouldn't fund and train Nazis. It isn't a binary. You don't have to pick a side in a regional territorial dispute on the other side of the planet.
The US did pick a side, that's a forgone conclusion. Russia is our geopolitical enemy by Russias owns description. The choice IS binary and the whole what about the Nazis is simply Russian propaganda straight from the kremlin. This isn't even in dispute.

Once the war ends Ukrainian will either tackle their internal douche Nazi problem or they won't.
i am sad that @skold is so much better looking than us and has a big dick and is taller than us regular 6'5 10%bf sherdoggers
Not just Nazis… lol. It was a shithole of corruption

Not saying they shouldn’t get help. But stop making then out to be Cinderella…

And the Old Man was a direct beneficiary… and lied to the entire nation about his son taking Ukraine money

I don’t give a fuck anymore what happens in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are both corrupt shitholes.

I like that your first sentence is basically:


And you keep going from there crafting a great effigy out of straw. At no point in this thread have I made any case supporting, argument for, or provided reasoning for Putin invading Ukraine, nor have I voiced support for it. I - correctly - pointed out that Ukraine has historically had a huge problem with white nationalism and made no further comment. You and that other goon have double timed it to craft a straw man position that I neither presented nor hold.

I seriously doubt you have any interest in discussing this with someone who disagrees with you, so much as lubing up the hole with rhetoric and ramming your position in, so you and your "side" gets what you perceive as a political win. You are one of the worst-faith partisan skidmarks of a poster in this forum, and in just two posts you have reiterated the point here.

My posting in this thread is that Ukraine has a huge white nationalist/Nazi/far right problem - full stop. Any speculation on what this means I think of Russia's invasion is idle speculation by bad-faith people who probably don't want a real answer anyway.
I understand are just a really concerned Karen worried about all the Nazis in Ukraine.... full stop
It's a conflict not involving us, 1000's of km away and has being going on for a long while. Caring fatigue is kicking in; resources fatigue obviously kicking in. I mean Ukrainian refugees are actually leaving Canada because cost of living...understandable Canadians aren't exactly putting the war in their top fucks to give list

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Pierre Polievre is getting called out more on this now recently at least on social media. There is still a long way to go until the next election, but I bet he will soften his maga-esque stance in the coming months.
So you aren't concerned about Nazis?

No not when there is a more pressing an actual invasion with bombs and shit.

For example are you concerned about Nazi's in the MAGA Trump party?
So your "anti-war" stance is letting aggressors invade and annex with no resistance?

I guess you are just a pussy then.

Maybe US shouldn't have interfered in WWII in Europe either according to your crayon eating anti-war logic?
Whatever friends you may still have would be happy to know that if they are getting jumped in the street, you will not help them due to your staunch "anti-violence" stance.
why aren't you fighting in Ukraine right now?
why aren't you fighting in Ukraine right now?

Why should I? I don't live there...
Oh wait, are you one of those dummies crayon eaters who think US troops are being sent to fight in Ukraine or something?