Trocoli is atrocious for his physical attributes

The guy was blessed with being a 6'5 middleweight with an 80 inch reach and has no idea of how to use either of those things. He has no jab, which is the first thing a tall fighter should master. He has no ability to maintain range. He has no defense. His output is extremely low, wasn't even able to throw safe stay busy punches. There was a point in the first round where Shara had landed 8 kicks in a row and Trocoli was just standing in front of him the entire time and hadn't thrown a single stroke. Every tall fighter should be studying tape of Jon Jones day and night. I expected him to lose but this was a terrible performance for someone who won the genetic lottery.
Physical ability doesn't make a great fighter.
Jon jones is tall and lanky, so obviously other tall and lanky people can achieve what he did, right?

I don't count any of Jon's wins because if there is anything that I learned from Sherdog and from 7 year old girls back in elementary school it is that people above 6 foot tall are super good at fighting. So really Jon has a super unfair advantage.

I don't count any of Jon's wins because if there is anything that I learned from Sherdog and from 7 year old girls back in elementary school it is that people above 6 foot tall are super good at fighting. So really Jon has a super unfair advantage.
Honestly, each time that I see a guy that’s slightly taller than me in public, I just lay down and show my belly like a dog. It’s safer.
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Can't win by standing in front of a,striker and not throwing anything back. When he three shots he was doing well he just never threw anything 2nd an 3rd rounds. Maybe he was just gassed being a late add I don't know but he did nothing g but stsnd there for 2 rds other then a few weak td attempts n clinches.
He shouldn't have made it to the 3rd round. What the hell was Shara doing lmao.
He got a chin tho
Can't win by standing in front of a,striker and not throwing anything back. When he three shots he was doing well he just never threw anything 2nd an 3rd rounds. Maybe he was just gassed being a late add I don't know but he did nothing g but stsnd there for 2 rds other then a few weak td attempts n clinches.
His strategy, if he had one, was to clinch with Shara whenever he struck in close and then bully him to the fence to try and take him down. There were long periods where he was trying to do that and failing, and then the one time he finally got him Shara held the cage.

After awhile Shara stopped fighting in close range and just pot shotted w long range attacks,and it just seemed like Trocoli had no answer for this. I guess he had the hands down to entice Shara to get closer? maybe he was tired from the grappling, coming in on short notice? but man after awhile get your hands up? lol
Honestly, each time that I see a guy that’s slightly taller than me in public, I just lay down and show my belly like a dog. It’s safer.

Seriously though, if a random 200 pound dude walks into the gym who is 5'8 and a random 200 pound dude walks into the gym who is 6'5 and I have no idea what either of their skill levels are and they have similar levels of fitness and someone said I need to put money on myself winning...

I will pick the 6'5 200 pound guy 100/100 times.

DISCLAIMER: haven't done striking in many years now / talking grappling only
Jon jones is tall and lanky, so obviously other tall and lanky people can achieve what he did, right?
No. They'd have to be a total scumbag POS with no moral compass, like Jon (or Dana).
Weren’t the Gus and dc rematches and the game fight after that? And smith?
Yes, his LHW bouts, hiding from HW fighters DC, Cain, Stipe, JDS, Arlovski, Francis, etc.
Not to say he would have performed any better, but he did take the fight on a day's notice, flying from CA to Riyadh, and cut 13 pounds to make weight the day before. Maybe we should be pragmatic and give him a bit of a pass here, coming to a more informed conclusion after his next fight?

Even with a half decent coach in his area he should have figured out a basic jab and striking defense.
He flew to Saudi Arabia, cut weight and fought on 48 hours notice. He looked pretty solid in the first round and totally gassed. It tends to happen to everyone that takes fights on short notice. Unless you get it done in one round, it's just not worth it.
He looked like shit in the first round. Shara literally landed 8 kicks in a row on him and he did NOTHING. The couple times he did something he looked alright but he should have done far more than that.
Even with a half decent coach in his area he should have figured out a basic jab and striking defense.

You better hit his IG and get him signed up for your gym, my friend. Show him the way.
You better hit his IG and get him signed up for your gym, my friend. Show him the way.
I'm a fucking nobody. That's why this fight was so frustrating. Who is coaching this idiot? He should be able to learn the basics of fighting tall anywhere but he hasn't.
I'm a fucking nobody. That's why this fight was so frustrating. Who is coaching this idiot? He should be able to learn the basics of fighting tall anywhere but he hasn't.

So now he's an idiot because he didnt fight up to your standards despite the aforementioned situation? Got damn.

I would give him the benefit of doubt for the short notice fight.

He still looked visibly in great shape so IDK. But being a grappler and not being able to grapplefuck Shara is a big weak IMO.
Jon jones is tall and lanky, so obviously other tall and lanky people can achieve what he did, right?
Exactly. Kendall Grove and Luke Barnatt were super tall MWs with 80" reaches....and never more than average UFC fighters.

Jones was a different animal. His height (6'4") isn't that unusual at 205 and in his prime was a great wrestler who was very hard to take down.
So now he's an idiot because he didnt fight up to your standards despite the aforementioned situation? Got damn.

So now learning how to fight tall is "my standard"? I'm a fucking shorty. Go ahead and give yourself a Pride yellow card.
So now learning how to fight tall is "my standard"? I'm a fucking shorty. Go ahead and give yourself a Pride yellow card.

Call fighters idiots from your keyboard over a bad fight, bbgurl. Don't let me deter you. You know better than all his coaches and can surely do better. Get him!
I'm still dumbfounded at how awful this guy performed. He needs to sign up for Jackson Wink asap. He's fighting like he's the next James Vick when he should be trying to be the middleweight Jon Jones.

What exactly did you expect?

He hasn't fought in 3 years, and before that he wasn't even super active.

He doesn't even train full-time.

He was supposed to fight Ikram a week ago but they took his opponent away for no fault of his own, so he had to do the weight cut for that, and then cut it again a week later. He had to literally start that second weight cut in a different country and then get to Saudi Arabia.

And he's not even some high level fighter regardless. He's here because he's Dern's boyfriend and they needed a body on crazy short notice. Why the fuck else would the UFC bother with some guy who doesn't even really fight anymore?

And he still came in, lit Shara up with a couple of long strikes and easily controlled him in the clinch until he gassed out completely within 2 minutes. Shara was needing fence grabs to save him against a low level guy gassed beyond belief. If anyone performed shit it was Shara.