tricept workouts?


Yellow Belt
Jun 16, 2005
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not sure what these lifts are called, hells i don't even know if they're good for my body, but how effective are these lifts?



The first one is the tricep extension and second is kickback.

They work the tricep and are basically isolation exercises.

Which is a pet peeve of strength and power.

Are you trying to body build?
well screw those work outs!!!!
my brother suggested those to me, and he was the "body building" type before he became a cook. Any suggestions on good tri- workouts for streng and power? the only one i really know of is the bench lifts.
jpark4 said:
well screw those work outs!!!!
my brother suggested those to me, and he was the "body building" type before he became a cook. Any suggestions on good tri- workouts for streng and power? the only one i really know of is the bench lifts.

Close grip bench and Dips.
Ted-P said:
Close grip bench and Dips.

these two are my faves as well.

other good tricep stuff:

skull/nose crushers
tate presses
rack lockouts
floor presses
The first exercise is AWESOME. Regardless of what people say that is one non-pressing tricep exercise I can endorse.

Grab the biggest fucking dumbbell you can find (100+) and bang out triples after all of your compound pressing movements.

It is excellent for killing whatever is left in your triceps.

That being said, do it last AFTER all of the important exercises like bench, dips, overhead press.

Next time you decide to do the second exercise, KILL YOURSELF.

That is all.
Just incase it matters, I introduced those to S&P, and I'll stand by that.
Oh, and I assume you know you can't get huge with those little dumbells alone right?
The second one is useless. The first one is good, but there are better ones. Like previously mentioned, close grip bench press, dips, skull crushers, tricep rope pull downs are all excellent. The tricep consists of 3 heads (outside, middle and inner). Do not worry about the middle head because it gets worked no matter what. Do stuff like extensions or rope pulldowns for the outter, skull crushers / close grip for the inner and dips for both. Don't even bother with kick backs because they are for women. Good luck!
CarnalSalvation said:
Just incase it matters, I introduced those to S&P, and I'll stand by that.

would you like a medal? we can have "tate press introducing champion of the world" engraved on it.
The first one is good, no need for kick backs though.
isnt teh first one called french press?
My understanding is that a french press is done using a barbell or EZ curl bar, in a very similar posiition.

Remy, you make the medal, and I'll wear it.
close grip pushups (for another body weight exercise) i find that doing pushups or any pressing movement in a generally narrow to mid position making sure your arms and elbows are tucked in & using good form , works them hard anyway ...

but yeah tate presses ,close grip bench and dips!
CarnalSalvation said:
My understanding is that a french press is done using a barbell or EZ curl bar, in a very similar posiition.

Remy, you make the medal, and I'll wear it.

i expect you to print this, cut it out, and wear it around proudly.
