Media Tribal lands in Alabama and California being discussed for future UFC events.

Native Americans survived firewater, smallpox, and genocide. They don’t give any fucks about covid19.
Pechanga and San Manuel Casino just shut down their casinos

I think Soboba Casino in San Jacinto, California might host the UFC fights they are located right next to the Scientology compound
the level of distortion, rationalization, and more is most concerning. "LOL" at your comment of "it's insulting for you to think that they're still kind of dumb." nowhere, did I write that, yet you are presenting that statement, which you wrote, as if I were to have written it and were to have claimed at all that natives were/are "dumb." that's some horrible illogic (and a strawman fallacy) to say the least.

take a break.

I would characterize the party that can can advantage of another party in a business deal as the smart party and the opposite party as the dumb party. Especially if the outcomes were as dire as what happened to the Natives. Harsh and blunt, but true. If you would like to replace the word dumb with a word such as innocent, naive, overly trusting that is fine by me. And this was the case with the Europeans and the Natives, which we have both agreed with. We both agree that the early deals between the Europeans and Natives favored the Europeans, and I would say ovewhelmingly. However, I believe being innocent, naive, over trusting, or dumb is not a permanent condition and I do not believe that is the condition of the Natives that have casinos currently. It is you that is currently contending that the Natives that have the Casinos currently are still innocent, naive, over trusting, or dumb, or any other word or explanation that is reasoning for your proposing that they are unable to make a business deal with parity with the UFC.

Maybe you should take a break and re-assess how you think and how you put down groups of people.

Airports shutting down. Dana “get your ass in a car and get here”
I would characterize the party that can can advantage of another party in a business deal as the smart party and the opposite party as the dumb party. Especially if the outcomes were as dire as what happened to the Natives. Harsh and blunt, but true. If you would like to replace the word dumb with a word such as innocent, naive, overly trusting that is fine by me. And this was the case with the Europeans and the Natives, which we have both agreed with. We both agree that the early deals between the Europeans and Natives favored the Europeans, and I would say ovewhelmingly. However, I believe being innocent, naive, over trusting, or dumb is not a permanent condition and I do not believe that is the condition of the Natives that have casinos currently. It is you that is currently contending that the Natives that have the Casinos currently are still innocent, naive, over trusting, or dumb, or any other word or explanation that is reasoning for your proposing that they are unable to make a business deal with parity with the UFC.

Maybe you should take a break and re-assess how you think and how you put down groups of people.

you're projecting, engaging in illogic (especially fallacies) and distorting content on multi levels, but hey, keep telling yourself whatever. this is a forum after all...
Meanwhile, in just the past couple hours both Ohio and Illinois banned eating out. Only Drive thru and delivery here in Illinois until at least April 1st. I got an email from Dominos pizza about "contact-less" deliveries.
Seems more than likely by next weekend the entire U.S. as well as most first world nations will be on lock down.
you're projecting, engaging in illogic (especially fallacies) and distorting content on multi levels, but hey, keep telling yourself whatever. this is a forum after all...

You've resigned the Native American casino owners to victim-hood whereas I think they're capable of making a good business deal. That's the gist of it. You can't even contest that because it would contradict your original post. All you can say is "whatever."
Will it still be closed to public? Not sure how successful a UFC in bum fuck Egypt is going to do.
Meanwhile, in just the past couple hours both Ohio and Illinois banned eating out. Only Drive thru and delivery here in Illinois until at least April 1st. I got an email from Dominos pizza about "contact-less" deliveries.
Seems more than likely by next weekend the entire U.S. as well as most first world nations will be on lock down.

And you will STILL see people post here "It's just a minor flu bug and everyone is freaked out for no reason."

Because, you know, all of the government officials and infectious disease experts are in on this conspiracy to crater the economy. Pro sports leagues figured it would be fun to lose hundreds of millions of dollars (if not billions) by postponing and canceling their leagues. This is all just a big media invention and not a big deal at all...
Will it still be closed to public? Not sure how successful a UFC in bum fuck Egypt is going to do.

It's about getting to the viewers at home. They have no sports right now.
And you will STILL see people post here "It's just a minor flu bug and everyone is freaked out for no reason."

Because, you know, all of the government officials and infectious disease experts are in on this conspiracy to crater the economy. Pro sports leagues figured it would be fun to lose hundreds of millions of dollars (if not billions) by postponing and canceling their leagues. This is all just a big media invention and not a big deal at all...

It's frightening to see people laugh it off. It's like they have zero empathy or foresight. Or maybe it's just plain ol' stupid.
It's frightening to see people laugh it off. It's like they have zero empathy or foresight. Or maybe it's just plain ol' stupid.

It's a combo imo, but mainly people want to feel in control of their own lives. Having your routines disrupted by suggestions you live differently isn't accept well. Hell, my family is in a somewhat self-quarantine mode. Yeah we'll run to the grocery store if necessary. We go outside and stuff. But we're only carrying out from restaurants, we aren't getting together with friends, etc. And we're healthy and not at al "at risk" for serious issues if we were to get the virus. Luckily my wife and I can both work from home. My daughter will be home as all schools in our state are closed for the next 3 weeks. We're doing all of this purely out of a sense of social responsibility. And's already boring. But it's the right thing to do. Some people...don't feel like they have any responsibility to do it. And they will scream the loudest when some of those decisions get made for them by restrictions put in place.
Nah it's pretty smart and savvy. They're practically the only sport on TV in NA right now. That's a lot of eyeballs, people who would never watch the sport otherwise will probably tune it. Possibly gain some new fans.
till the support staff and fighters start getting sick.

but I agree - I was watching the reruns on TSN (sports network in Canada) and the hosts were excited and said, "we actually have some highlights for you." after the card last night.