Media Tribal lands in Alabama and California being discussed for future UFC events.


Dana might buy an old oil rig in international waters
Do it on Epstein's island. Dana just needs to tell Donald he needs access.
Nah it's pretty smart and savvy. They're practically the only sport on TV in NA right now. That's a lot of eyeballs, people who would never watch the sport otherwise will probably tune it. Possibly gain some new fans.
One infected athlete/staff member though and he’s risking a potential PR nightmare. Like WME giving him his walking papers-type risk.
Nah it's pretty smart and savvy. They're practically the only sport on TV in NA right now. That's a lot of eyeballs, people who would never watch the sport otherwise will probably tune it. Possibly gain some new fans.

@ the same time, imagine if one of the fighters or team, go to compete and end up getting the corona virus, the shit storm the UFC would have to deal with at this stage would be huge, especially if said fighter died or had permanent damage to their lungs.

They are def. Playing with fire with this one.
even in "modern times," amerindians and natives are still used and exploited in "dire circumstances..."
"LOL" euphemize it how ever you choose... blankets covered with smallpox were also a "business deal"

I believe that when the Europeans came to America they were more adept at tricking the Natives and choosing good outcomes for themselves. I also think the Native Americans are not idiots and have learned over time and are capable of making business deals currently with some sort of parity. It's insulting for you to think they're still kind of dumb.
somebody in Another thread said do it on an oil rig

In the elements in the North Atlantic

to add spice the workers can watch all grimy cheering with wrenches in hand
Dana might buy an old oil rig in international waters

that could be the sequel to Armageddon... special, guest referee, Ben Afleck with special, guest judges, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and Liv Tyler
If Dana pulls this off. MMA could be the only live sport aired for months across the globe. This catapult MMA to new heights!!!!
I believe that when the Europeans came to America they were more adept at tricking the Natives and choosing good outcomes for themselves. I also think the Native Americans are not idiots and have learned over time and are capable of making business deals currently with some sort of parity. It's insulting for you to think they're still kind of dumb.

the level of distortion, rationalization, and more is most concerning. "LOL" at your comment of "it's insulting for you to think that they're still kind of dumb." nowhere, did I write that, yet you are presenting that statement, which you wrote, as if I were to have written it and were to have claimed at all that natives were/are "dumb." that's some horrible illogic (and a strawman fallacy) to say the least.

take a break.