Social Transgender Megathread Vol. 2

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I'm not one to make everything racial.

But I do sometimes ask myself this question: Would the whole trans ideology movement be even a thing if it wasn't a whole bunch of white men who are trying to transition and change society?

What if the vast majority of transwomen were black or Latino. I bet no one would give a shit and tell them to STFU with your pronoun bullshit.
I don't think that entirely the case. Surely you've heard the cries to "Stop Black Trans Genocide". Then you got drag culture sharing a room with Trans ideology, which has mostly been spearheaded by a black man for the last few decades.
How much time have you spent in Thailand?

Yes been there twice. The differences between there and the US.

1. Transpeople are widely accepted in Thai society and it's no big deal.
2. Thai Transpeople aren't going around telling everybody to speak with different pronouns, trying to enter female locker rooms or trying to compete with females in sports. They just transition on their own and live like like everyone else and don't demand special privileges.

I don't think that entirely the case. Surely you've heard the cries to "Stop Black Trans Genocide". Then you got drag culture sharing a room with Trans ideology, which has mostly been spearheaded by a black man for the last few decades.

Yea but those things took momentum alongside the white men doing this shit.

If transpeople were just black men or some other minority, the trans thing ideology wouldn't even be a thing.
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A lot of rage out there. Sounds like the car was revving 10,000rpm at the point of impact.

If transpeople were just black men or some other minority, the trans thing ideology even be a thing.
I don't know where you're getting that from in modern times. Black people have stupid shit like dress codes being called "oppressive", and that it's very "powerful" when a black person grows their hair out, and therefore you can't ask them to cut it and look professional.

You're not seriously trying to say that black people(and other minorities) and their grievances(legit or otherwise) aren't paid attention to these days, are you? If it was a purely black thing, it would just be another card in the victimhood rolodex.
I don't know where you're getting that from in modern times. Black people have stupid shit like dress codes being called "oppressive", and that it's very "powerful" when a black person grows their hair out, and therefore you can't ask them to cut it and look professional.

You're not seriously trying to say that black people(and other minorities) and their grievances(legit or otherwise) aren't paid attention to these days, are you? If it was a purely black thing, it would just be another card in the victimhood rolodex.

What I'm saying is I don't think we'd be seeing they/them and other bullshit pronoun options on literal government forms if it was just a bunch of black people. This shit has permeated every sector of society - workplaces, the military, schools, etc. It wouldn't be this pervasive IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, if it wasn't for a whole bunch of white people wanting to do this. I honestly believe that.

As for the typical "black people" grievances like affirmative action or whatever, it is ALSO a whole bunch of uber liberal white people (especially blue haired and/or fat women) pushing that. Metoo - pushed by liberal white women, etc.

Notice the vast majority of the over the top nonbinary or whatever Tiktok weirdos used to be a bunch of incel looking white turd males.

In Thailand, where there is a whole bunch of ladyboys predating all the US shit, they don't have all this social upheaval and bullshit. They just transition and then go about their lives.
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Notice the vast majority of the over the top nonbinary or whatever Tiktok weirdos used to be a bunch of incel looking white turds males.
Nah dude. There's a LOT of black queens out there. You're seeing what you want to see. A friggin CNN Town Hall, was momentarily taken over by black trans screaming at Don Lemon. They're out there. Shit, most of the murders of trans people are in the black community.

I guess I'll meet you half way and say that Bruce Jenner's "transition journey" wouldn't be as big of a deal if it was Carl Lewis(or more importantly not funded by a billionaire family), but we're way past these niche celebrity coming out parties.
Nah dude. There's a LOT of black queens out there. You're seeing what you want to see. A friggin CNN Town Hall, was momentarily taken over by black trans screaming at Don Lemon. They're out there. Shit, most of the murders of trans people are in the black community.

I guess I'll meet you half way and say that Bruce Jenner's "transition journey" wouldn't be as big of a deal if it was Carl Lewis(or more importantly not funded by a billionaire family), but we're way past these niche celebrity coming out parties.

There are some prominent black ones. But they're still greatly outnumbered by the white ones.

Most of the murders of trans people is in the black community because they're more likely to be involved in sex work. And much less accepted in black culture. The white transwoman get more acceptance from their white snowflake peers.

I obviously can't prove the movement wouldn't be as prominent if it wasn't largely driven by white males. Because that's a hypothetical and not provable. But that's just my opinion.
There are some prominent black ones. But they're still greatly outnumbered by the white ones.

Most of the murders of trans people is in the black community because they're more likely to be involved in sex work. And much less accepted in black culture. The white transwoman get more acceptance from their white snowflake peers.

I obviously can't prove the movement wouldn't be as prominent if it wasn't largely driven by white males. Because that's a hypothetical and not provable. But that's just my opinion.
Well, I'll say that it's mostly white people spearheading the sympathy for these people, but not driving the overall movement from within(although I'm sure demographics might challenge that, but I don't think the color of their skin matters more than the victim status that white people jump on). Without white voices to prop them up, it doesn't get to the point it's at. I'd say the same thing about BLM as well. It's white sympathy for "others" that grants them power. These movements definitely need the most prominent race of the nation supporting them. This shit ain't going on in many other places, where white people aren't the majority.
Did anyone ever google how trans vaginas work ? Basically your bdy treats the new cavity as an injury and tries to close it. And you have to use some medical metal (dildo thing for lack of real term) on your trans vagina daily for an hour. Then after some time 3 a week. Till the rest of your life. Wtf holly shit. Imagine some grandpa 80 years old doing that in nursing home. Looool.
I bet they eventually get some disaease from the man made organ.
Did anyone ever google how trans vaginas work ? Basically your bdy treats the new cavity as an injury and tries to close it. And you have to use some medical metal (dildo thing for lack of real term) on your trans vagina daily for an hour. Then after some time 3 a week. Till the rest of your life. Wtf holly shit. Imagine some grandpa 80 years old doing that in nursing home. Looool.
I bet they eventually get some disaease from the man made organ.
I'm more curious as to how FtM's maintain their skin graph "penises". That's gotta be weird. They gotta pray that the flesh takes and doesn't rot, and then what do you got? A limp skin funnel that you piss out of? Yummy. The whole thing is fucking insane.
I'm more curious as to how FtM's maintain their skin graph "penises". That's gotta be weird. They gotta pray that the flesh takes and doesn't rot, and then what do you got? A limp skin funnel that you piss out of? Yummy. The whole thing is fucking insane.
It's insane bro. Once you get it done you're gonna lie to yourself for the rest of your life that you're happy. Cause it's gone.

A coworker told me that female trans penises work on pumps. Like wtf. There is a device to pump the trans penis up ? Cyborgs dude.
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It's insane bro. Once you get it done you're gonna lie to yourself for the resr of your life that you're happy. Cause it's gone.

A coworker told me that female trans penises work on pumps. Like wtf. There is a device to pump the trans penis up ? Cyborgs dude.
I have two plastic hips, half a breast and a ton of metal in my breasts making me a cyborg. So what? My friend got her willy lobbed off 7 years ago, what do you think about her?
Did anyone ever google how trans vaginas work ? Basically your bdy treats the new cavity as an injury and tries to close it. And you have to use some medical metal (dildo thing for lack of real term) on your trans vagina daily for an hour. Then after some time 3 a week. Till the rest of your life. Wtf holly shit. Imagine some grandpa 80 years old doing that in nursing home. Looool.
I bet they eventually get some disaease from the man made organ.

I've seen pictures and some of them are actually convincing. But the thought of it is pretty gross. The "lubricant" is a mix of mucous because it's basically an open wound and some from the prostate.

The big complaint these days from the transwomen community is that they can't find any "normal" cis-men that sees them as full women. I mean why would a guy date a post op trans person if they can get a normal woman if they're specifically attracted to just women?

All they get are "chasers" (men who specifically want trans as some kind of fetish) or gay guys as a fling. And no one wants to admit publicly that they're dating them either.

And they're also infiltrating the lesbian dating scene insisting they're women. Some lesbian women started a biological women dating service and she's getting the JK Rowling treatment.
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I have two plastic hips, half a breast and a ton of metal in my breasts making me a cyborg. So what?

Does that have anything to do with trans ? Conor got a titanium shin bone, so I guess you're in good company. I agree so what noone smart judges anyone on medical conditions. I'm glad you got medically helped with modern medicine.

My friend got her willy lobbed off 7 years ago, what do you think about her?

I don't know that person, like at all.

I am against teaching pro trans ideology at elementary school. Like encouraging surgeries and "transitions". What do you think about me ?

One thing I will tell you, lost souls sometimes make the best friendships. Cause they know what it's like.
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I've seen pictures and some of them are actually convincing. But the thought of it is pretty gross. The "lubricant" is a mix of mucous because it's basically an open wound and some from the prostate.

The big complaint these days from the transwomen community is that they can't find any "normal" cis-men that sees them as full women. I mean why would a guy date a post op trans person if they can get a normal women if they're specifically attracted to just women?

All they get are "chasers" (men who specifically want trans as some kind of fetish) or gay guys as a fling. And no one wants to admit publicly that they're dating them either.

And they're also infiltrating the lesbian dating scene insisting they're women. Some lesbian women started a biological women dating service and she's getting the JK Rowling treatment.
I thought they are sought after. Saw a couple weird videos and was under the impression a lot of people want to be with trans. Didn't realise they get the short end of the stick. I was confused how so many people seem trans atracted. Seems they are not. It's just some highly clicked storys giving the illusion. Ad in the sherdog running trans joke. Plus trans sex workers. I actually thought plenty people date them.
Also somehow I never see trans people out in public. They must be rare as unicorns. Or a lot of them aren't recognisable from passing by on the street. There is not one trans person in the buildng I work at and it got like a few thousand people working there. And the city is big.

Maybe someone trans sherdoger can voice their opinion and tell us why we are rude, which we obviously are. I guess we don't know any better and don't realise trans people read this thread and that is a bad thought. Cause we are actually unkind. Simply cause I forget trans really exist and write like noone trans reads this cause they are some mythical beings.

I did have 2 trans encounters. One was a customer at work. Other was some street prostitute asking me to hire her/his service.

Well who cares. We're just chatting. The point is not to hurt how trans feel about themselves it's the opposite, we are worried for the youth and preventable damage. Which sounds offensive to them cause they will say trans is natural beautiful ect.
I thought they are sought after. Saw a couple weird videos and was under the impression a lot of people want to be with trans. Didn't realise they get the short end of the stick. I was confused how so many people seem trans atracted. Seems they are not. It's just some highly clicked storys giving the illusion. Ad in the sherdog running trans joke. Plus trans sex workers. I actually thought plenty people date them.

They are. But most of the ones they attract are weird fetishists specifically looking for transwomen with penises. What they want is what any normal women wants - a hot heterosexual guy. But why TF would they want them? They don't.

So what they want is an impossibility for most.
I've seen pictures and some of them are actually convincing. But the thought of it is pretty gross. The "lubricant" is a mix of mucous because it's basically an open wound and some from the prostate.

The big complaint these days from the transwomen community is that they can't find any "normal" cis-men that sees them as full women. I mean why would a guy date a post op trans person if they can get a normal woman if they're specifically attracted to just women?

All they get are "chasers" (men who specifically want trans as some kind of fetish) or gay guys as a fling. And no one wants to admit publicly that they're dating them either.

And they're also infiltrating the lesbian dating scene insisting they're women. Some lesbian women started a biological women dating service and she's getting the JK Rowling treatment.
So america is a dictatorship. Didn't know. South Korea part 2. Didn't know about the JK Rowling scene.

“This isn’t an easy piece to write, for reasons that will shortly become clear, but I know it’s time to explain myself on an issue surrounded by toxicity. I write this without any desire to add to that toxicity,” she wrote. “For people who don’t know: last December I tweeted my support for Maya Forstater, a tax specialist who’d lost her job for what were deemed ‘transphobic’ tweets. She took her case to an employment tribunal, asking the judge to rule on whether a philosophical belief that sex is determined by biology is protected in law. Judge Tayler ruled that it wasn’t.”

Freedom of speech my ass

Edit : basically freedom of speech but instead prison you'll get fired from your job as punishment. Immerhin. An improvement. Prison is worse.
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I love everyone but I'm never gona pretend overdosing on fentanyl is a good deed. As example. Respect my right to no agree with something. Respect is earned.

Edit : I sort of overdid it with the example but it was just for example
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