

The Tower of Power
Apr 13, 2002
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Lately, I've noticed that a good portion of the people on here seem to "train". Which leads me to wonder who actually "trains" on here and who dosen't.

So, my question is; Who on here actually trains? And who is a lazy bum like me?

And, no, getting on your ab roller for 15 minutes a day dosen't count.
I just started training in BJJ and Vale Tudo last month. Last night was my first boxing class. I train maybe 3, sometimes 4 days a week but I'm usually too sore for anything more than 3. The other days I do light workouts in the gym. I have a lot of laziness to work off.
I just started back at the gym and my BJJ training will pick back up in about a month.
I get my ass kicked 4x/week. 2 times Muay Thai, 2 times submission/wrestling.

Also Lift 4x week, run 3x a week.

I just turned 30. This is my last stand. Working hard to at least get one or two nhb matches in before I gotta resort to the PS2 to practice submissions.
VOD, I'm proud of you man. We don't talk enough, but it was something I wanted to say it when we first started talking about you beginning in BJJ.... however, I never really figured out a way to say it without sounding like a :eek::eek::eek:. It's good to see that you've stuck with it, and even added to what you're doing with it. 3-4 days a week is great.
Wow. I guess there are at least a couple guys on here who actually train in stuff. Just seems like everybody lately says stuff like "Yeah, I gotta go train". I think that at least a couple people have gotta be pulling my/our leg(s).

I swim laps like 4 times a week, if that counts as anything. Plus I've had my white belt in Kung Fu for like 10 years. You all better watch the fuck out. WOOOOOYAHHHHH.
I am a 10th degree grandmaster in the art of the clit
Originally posted by GhosT^x0
VOD, I'm proud of you man. We don't talk enough, but it was something I wanted to say it when we first started talking about you beginning in BJJ.... however, I never really figured out a way to say it without sounding like a :eek::eek::eek:. It's good to see that you've stuck with it, and even added to what you're doing with it. 3-4 days a week is great.

Yeah, when I first started I'd do BJJ once a week. And then I'd be sore for the next 4 days. Then, as you know I added Vale Tudo and have been doing that for the last two weeks. And I took boxing last night and it's fucking fun as hell. I really enjoyed boxing. I'm REALLY big so I hit hard, my technique isn't good at all though. We learned throwing the '1 2' punch and each time I did it I'd end up pivoting too much. I never realized how hard it was to throw punches with gloves on. It's a really good workout. I hope to be able to stick with 3-4 times a week, any more and I'll probably die. I just gotta up the workouts on my off-days. Right now they're REALLY light because I'm trying to recover from the day before.
I am training right now for a toughman fight in January. does that count?
I train 3-4 days a week boxing. I'm planning to fight in late September. It will be my first fight.
5-6 times a week, muay thai, kickboxing and boxing. Attend what few grappling seminars I can afford and able to get to (no good grappling classes around here.. *sob*). And I run a bit every day, and occationally lift some weights.
I've just started training BJJ, at my age its only for fun and future in NHB for me.
I train 6 days a week. 3 BJJ 3 stand up boxing/muay thai. Right now its just 2 hours a day or so.

i started going to the gym 6 months ago. And in sept. when i move fo college. i'll be going to spar club which has mma classes, three days a week. i still have 20 pounds that i want too lose though.
right now it's summer so i'm lucky to get to the gym 2 days a week. during the school year though i like to run around 4-5 days a week and always hit the weights at least 4 days a week. i'm also "self teaching" myself kickboxing and BJJ. which basically is me kicking alot in my room while watching an instructional video and rolling around with someone who's dumb enough to do it. (not that i'm good, just most people think it's gay looking.)


A little Muay Tai for 2-3 months....
I don't really train, but I do take kickboxing lessons twice a week. (monday and wednesdays) and I usually workout in my basement on fridays (usually with the heavybag).

I am not really training cause theres no reason to. Until my kickboxing ability and skills improve, I can just practice conditioning and stuff like that...
Yeah but don't you think that training would improve your kickboxing skills and your conditioning? I started training as a REAL slob. I still am really out of shape but just by attending the classes and stuff I can see the results. I used to NEVER be able to pop up from a sprawl. I mean it was EMBARASSING when I tried. But now I'm almost there. It helps to have people around to help.
Been doing BJJ since January. Last month has been slack for me because of moving and personal shit, but starting this week it's back to 2-3 times a week getting armbarred and tapping like an old style typewriter.