Got my big toe rolled up under my foot last night and it is now a lovely shade of purple. It's a pretty mild sprain - not much swelling or pain and a decent range of motion. Definitely not enough to make me skip any training, I am just gonna tape it up and go.
But I always get good advice on this forum so I figured it coudn't hurt to check in here and see if anyone had any advice along the lines of "I have done that before and you might want to skip / take it easy with [fill in the blank]"
I figure at least half the people here must have dinked a toe at some point, and if anyone re-injured / seriously aggravated it in some way that's avoidable, that would be useful info.
But I always get good advice on this forum so I figured it coudn't hurt to check in here and see if anyone had any advice along the lines of "I have done that before and you might want to skip / take it easy with [fill in the blank]"
I figure at least half the people here must have dinked a toe at some point, and if anyone re-injured / seriously aggravated it in some way that's avoidable, that would be useful info.