Training w/sprained toe...anything to avoid?


Orange Belt
Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Got my big toe rolled up under my foot last night and it is now a lovely shade of purple. It's a pretty mild sprain - not much swelling or pain and a decent range of motion. Definitely not enough to make me skip any training, I am just gonna tape it up and go.

But I always get good advice on this forum so I figured it coudn't hurt to check in here and see if anyone had any advice along the lines of "I have done that before and you might want to skip / take it easy with [fill in the blank]"

I figure at least half the people here must have dinked a toe at some point, and if anyone re-injured / seriously aggravated it in some way that's avoidable, that would be useful info.
when coming into class, avoid stubbing said toe on the sides of the mats. That could send you into a fit of rage. It does to me.
"....anything to avoid?"

In all honesty I'd think about training light or not at all. A toe injury can mess up your whole game. You try to compensate by shifting the weight on your foot and risk even more injury.

Been there done that on the Judo mat, not fun, ended up missing 3 practices due to my stubborness.
i had this happen to me, take a few days off, maybe about a week or so. Your gonna have to tape your foot up for the next year or so, i'm still taping my injury from over a year ago
You'd be how one seemingly small injury to a small body part can hurt so much.
i did the same thing to my toe. here's what i did.

1. 600mg ibuprofen to keep swelling down and help with pain about 30 mins before class.

2. massage it with bengay or icy hot as i'm getting dressed for class.

3. tape to keep it from moving around and keep it stable.

4. when i get home after class. immediately ice for about 10 mins.

5. just before i go to bed, i take 5 arnica pellets(increases red blood cells which removes bruises quickly) and reapply sports cream.

it's been 10 days and i'm fine now.
Tape the biggest toe next to the hurt toe to it. That should help it from getting sprained again.
I rolled my toe the same way yesterday ... I was cursing like crazy, I can't believe something so small can hurt so bad.
Tape the biggest toe next to the hurt toe to it. That should help it from getting sprained again.

I did this for class yesterday and am really glad I did. There were at least two occasions during sparring where I thought "man, I'm really glad those are taped or I would have re-injured it." So I definitely recommend that.

Otherwise, no problem so if it's a mild sprain like I have, I definitely wouldn't skip training for it. The only thing I had to sit out on was shooting drills - I did one penetration step and knew right away not to do any more of those.
Tape the hell out of it. I go through more tape on my toes in one week than I do scotch tape in a year.
Got my big toe rolled up under my foot last night and it is now a lovely shade of purple. It's a pretty mild sprain - not much swelling or pain and a decent range of motion. Definitely not enough to make me skip any training, I am just gonna tape it up and go.

But I always get good advice on this forum so I figured it coudn't hurt to check in here and see if anyone had any advice along the lines of "I have done that before and you might want to skip / take it easy with [fill in the blank]"

I figure at least half the people here must have dinked a toe at some point, and if anyone re-injured / seriously aggravated it in some way that's avoidable, that would be useful info.

avoid toe cranks....also depending on the GRIP, avoid toe holds. also if you use wrestling mats do not start standing.
1. Dont get your toe caught in the other guys gi or shirt

2. Dont be a ***got

3. dont get swept over your feet

4. Dont be a ***got
1. Dont get your toe caught in the other guys gi or shirt

2. Dont be a ***got

3. dont get swept over your feet

4. Dont be a ***got

I'm confused by this advice. If I am rolling with a higher belt who can do pretty much whatever they want, the only way I can be sure to avoid item 3 would be to tap mid-sweep. Which would violate items 2 and 4, wouldn't it? :D
buddy tape it if you can, otherwise let it get some rest!
I've sprained both big toes & a few of the smaller ones. We train on wrestling mats, which are too soft & not made for bare feet, so injuries happen a lot. 1 of my big toe injuries involved a tear that kept me out 2 weeks. It still hurts like a bitch if I get it caught in the mat even a little or stub it on the stairs a year later.

Unless you wear wrestling shoes until it heals, you WILL keep injuring it. It's just part of the game IMO, & I've accepted it & never worn shoes. Lay off takedowns until it doesn't hurt to extend the toes.

Tape the big toe to the next toe for a while, even after it stops hurting. This will keep it somehwat immobilized. If you get it stuck in the mat or clothing, it'll be back to square one in the healing process. I would also wait until its not purple anymore before training, there are too many ways to re-injure at this point, even if taped.
Got my big toe rolled up under my foot last night and it is now a lovely shade of purple. It's a pretty mild sprain - not much swelling or pain and a decent range of motion. Definitely not enough to make me skip any training, I am just gonna tape it up and go.

But I always get good advice on this forum so I figured it coudn't hurt to check in here and see if anyone had any advice along the lines of "I have done that before and you might want to skip / take it easy with [fill in the blank]"

I figure at least half the people here must have dinked a toe at some point, and if anyone re-injured / seriously aggravated it in some way that's avoidable, that would be useful info.

tape it to your second toe, should help