Training and Mono


Orange Belt
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
I just found out a girl that I made out with and did some other shit with has mono. I just talked to her today and she told me she had it. I don't have really any signs of it besides last night after grappling I had a sharp kind of painful cramp in my upper left hand side of my abs; where my spleen is apparently.

Now that I'm kinda freaking out that I might have mono because I hear you can't do anything stressful like contact sports for fear of rupturing your spleen, and I was planning on training for a fight in early september when my instructor gets back in 10 days. I was planning on stepping up the intensity of my training; but with this I think i might be screwed.

Anybody else have mono and train with it? And how long did it last? Just wondering thanks guys.
definetly take the time off until you get cleared. Your spleen can pop like a zit.
Thats so f***ed up shit dude. Hope you'll still be able to fight in sept.
damn...I take it the same advice goes for weight training/running too?
That'll teach you not to share instruments.
Colby18 said:
Anybody else have mono and train with it? And how long did it last? Just wondering thanks guys.

I got mono last year. Trust me, if you had mono, you'd KNOW you have mono. The first week, you feel like you're dying.

It almost always comes with severe strep throat. And you can't do shit for like a month because all you can do is sleep all day.

When you get mono you feel unbelievably sick. Training is like the last thing on your mind. So unless you feel like hurling, you can't stop shivering, and every time you breathe you cough, you probably don't have it.

And by the way. If you think you do have it, see a doctor. And get a blood test to see if you have it. You do need medication.
Iceman5592 said:
I got mono last year. Trust me, if you had mono, you'd KNOW you have mono. The first week, you feel like you're dying.

It almost always comes with severe strep throat. And you can't do shit for like a month because all you can do is sleep all day.

When you get mono you feel unbelievably sick. Training is like the last thing on your mind. So unless you feel like hurling, you can't stop shivering, and every time you breathe you cough, you probably don't have it.

And by the way. If you think you do have it, see a doctor. And get a blood test to see if you have it. You do need medication.

Not for me. I was a gymnast in highschool and trained over a week with it. My main symptom was all the muscles in the front and back of my neck were real tight and wouldn't loosen up. I also had a bit of a sore throat. I went to the doc and they said I had it. Still went to school and took some anti-biotics and didn't do gym class and had to stop gymnastics.

Felt much better in a few days and then the antibiotics finished up in a week or two (I forget). I was told I might have a relapse, so when I go to school be gentle. Well, I went nuts and played crazy floor hocky in gym class and did gymnastics real intense also. Next day woke up and my throat was REAL sore. Almost closed up and had to go to the ER. After a night there they confirmed I had a relapse and had to take 3 weeks off of school and I was tutored.

Just my little mono adventure.