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International Tourist accused of blasphemy killed by mob in Pakistan

Margaret Qualley - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 2019
Upon further research, meh.
Another heretic pretending he knows Christian theology I see....

I don't know why you guys insist on heretical views and interpretation of scripture for Christians and then slay that straw man. You're just jerking off in a corner alone and talking to nobody but yourselves.
So what, the bible verses are wrong? LMAO I'm talking 100% straight from the bible. Why you people believing some old books written by some primitives 6000 years ago?
Another heretic pretending he knows Christian theology I see....

I don't know why you guys insist on heretical views and interpretation of scripture for Christians and then slay that straw man. You're just jerking off in a corner alone and talking to nobody but yourselves.
Its a waste of time engaging with these clowns that know nothing more than a copy and paste from some hate filled anti-Christian sub-reddit.
Upon further research, meh.

So what, the bible verses are wrong? LMAO I'm talking 100% straight from the bible. Why you people believing some old books written by some primitives 6000 years ago?
You are taking like an idiot and a heretic with literally NO theological understanding at all. literally no one holds your interpretations... It's sheer stupidity. You probably got it from dawkins or some other idiot.

Swing away man but you are just jerking off alone in a corner
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50% of them married their uncles daughter. She doesn't even get asked if she likes to.
Jesus said "
Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
— Matthew 5:17–19

So Jesus fulfilled the old testament prophecy but did not replace the laws. If you do not follow the laws then you are sinning against your god. Is one to argue that Non Israelites are not obligated to follow the laws handed down

Jesus said "
Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
— Matthew 5:17–19

So Jesus fulfilled the old testament prophecy but did not replace the laws. If you do not follow the laws then you are sinning against your god. Is one to argue that Non Israelites are not obligated to follow the laws handed down from god in the old testament? Or must they follow them or else they are committing sin? Perhaps only the ten commandments apply to those of non Hebrew lineage?

The god of the Bible gave many rules to his chosen people. However the creator of all was so powerless to save all of those that believed in him, that he could not save them from sin without sending himself down to live a sinless life to allow them into his kingdom. We are talking about the creator of everything. He was powerless to save them from sin without sacrificing himself to himself.

He himself had to live the perfect sinless life to save all of those that believed in him, because living a perfect sinless life was impossible. He is all knowing all powerful omnipresent, yet he could not forsee the first sin, or perhaps he planned for the down fall of Adam?

Maybe those that go to heaven are predestined to be saved by his perfect plan? Maybe those that do not believe are meant to burn in hell for all eternity. Why would a perfect being that loves all of his creations, plan for there to be sin. Was he powerless to stop the fall of man? Why did he require the blood sacrifice in the old testament? Perhaps he isn't truly the god of all creation, but and a made up construct of man to explain morality.

We can look at his chosen such as Sampson, a truly evil man according to the Bible. A liar a thief a murder. A man that gave into his attraction to a woman and lost his power do to a hair cut. The man's only request was to be allowed to murder his fellow human by pulling down a building upon those who he himself had wronged. Such a righteous warrior of a god that requires blood.

If you only follow the teaching of Christ, then most of the bible is completely irrelevant to you. Other wise you not only endorse the brutal nature of the old testament god, you yourself must follow it. This includes striking down those that are the enemies of the old testament god. This is a major problem with the Bible. Not only is it full of contradicting passages, the god of the old testament is incredibly brutal and unforgiving.

We are talking about the architect of our existence. This is the same god the Islamic faith follows. A god that issued arbitrary death to those that he himself made to condemn.

Jesus told his followers that he would return in their age, yet here we are over 2000 years later waiting for his return. Why did he make a promise that he would return in their age, yet stay silent on giving his word for thousands of years. Perhaps he is not real and was a creation of flawed men that didn't have the knowledge of the world they lived in. Perhaps a creation of men trying to understand their own existence and meaning in this world. A false creator with no power in this world.
Those quotes from Jesus are taken out of context regarding those Old Testament laws. In those he is talking to Jews who are therefore required to follow them. They weren’t met for all people of the world especially Gentiles; this issue was settled in the council of Jerusalem in the book of Acts. Christians do not have to follow them. The same contextual analysis of God in the Old Testament regarding his commands, especially violent ones, are also taken out of the context from the story, and those passages and have no application for today.

This video will explain the issue of Jesus return:

I’d suggest you check out this channel. It will clarify alot, if you’re interested.
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yes, extremism is bad in every case, you just won't find christians doing this nonsense in kind or quantity in 2024 so the comparison doesn't exist, yet you made the comparison anyway.
You are replying to a guy whose first post in the thread was "but what about Charlemagne and the Saxons".

I think you should not waste too much time on that. He's either batshit, or some of these leftist activists we have around here. Or some combination.
It's always amazing how Christian conservatives want to attack other extremist like muslims or communism, yet ignore the wrongs of those that followed their own religion. I guess that's why Christian conservatives want to attack the public education system so badly.
In 2024 there is absolutely zero comparison between the two. You are comparing a stretch sprinkle of "woulda coulda" with DO DEATH, AND DOES BURN.

Huuuuuuuuge difference.
You are taking like an idiot and a heretic with literally NO theological understanding at all. literally no one holds your interpretations... It's sheer stupidity. You probably got it from dawkins or some other idiot.

Swing away man but you are just jerking off alone in a corner
So you saying that the bible's quote isn't right and you have to reach for those grapes to get the correct understanding? LMAO It literally says how to beat your slave with a rod and how to mark your slave. What is the theological (reaching for those grapes) meaning for it then? The Bible literally says that women shouldn't learn anywhere except at the house from their husband (or man), and should not hold any position in the church. Why you got to reach for those grapes and rationalize it so you can still get the tingles from deep inside you?
So you saying that the bible's quote isn't right and you have to reach for those grapes to get the correct understanding? LMAO It literally says how to beat your slave with a rod and how to mark your slave. What is the theological (reaching for those grapes) meaning for it then? The Bible literally says that women shouldn't learn anywhere except at the house from their husband (or man), and should not hold any position in the church. Why you got to reach for those grapes and rationalize it so you can still get the tingles from deep inside you?
No, I'm saying that you're so uneducated that you're embarrassing yourself and making yourself look like an illiterate person.

And it's fantastic that in this internet age when everything is at your fingertips that anybody could be this profoundly wrong and uneducated about scripture.

But being intentionally and willfully ignorant and uneducated seems to be a favorite pastime for a whole group of Internet people. And you're one of them who insists upon a heretical view of scripture and then tries to hold people to those flames.

Your insistence that christians don't have the balls to follow imperfect old testament precepts that it grew out of thousands of years ago is absurd.
It's difficult even to formulate language for how absurd it is. Any idiot with a keyboard kind of thing even.

Here is your quote. Something only an idiot would say....

" Thing is, Muslims actually has the balls to follow their holy book. Christians don't. As the bible tells you how to properly beat your slave and mark them, how women have basically no rights, how to stone your children in the town square for disobedience, etc. Christians used to have pride in their religion, now christians don't know even what the fuck their holy bible even says."
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I'm sure Christianity has never used its religion to kill non believers....

Education has a way of shaping people's minds and making the population reject more extreme views. A poorly educated population is more likely to turn a blind eye to these sort of heinous acts. Charlemagne killed a lot of Saxon for not converting to Christianity. Extremist views are incredibly dangerous, it doesn't matter if those are religious or political, even worse when you mix the two together to form your government When your views require absolute obedience, they tend to lead to extreme violence.

Education is key to a civil population that can freely give criticism to Extremist views. Poorly educated populations still exist in much of the world. Sad reality that many in the west forgets about. Spreading higher education is needed for our whole world so that when can continue to advance as a world.

Christianity and Islam are not the same, you had to go back over 1000 years in your example of how Christianity is bad too which only goes to prove how backwards Islam is.

Islam cannot be tamed the way Christianity was. The bible is full of stories and parables open to interpretations whilst Islam is more like an instruction manual written by a bloodthirsty pedo warlord because it was whilst the bible was inspired by a peace loving hippy (the new testament anyways). The Koran is very clear about how the infidels should be treated. The Islamic extremists are just following the Koran the way it was meant to be followed, the way big Mo intended and its actually the peaceful Muslims who are misinterpreting the Koran or doing mental gymnastics to avoid the reality of what Islam truly is.
How can you write something like that and expect to be taken seriously.

Secular liberalism is what changed Turkey from a medieval religious shithole into a liberal democracy. The west is what is now because of Secular liberalism and the philosophers of Enlightenment who were progressive in the liberal sense and advocated for government reforms along more constitutional and liberal lines.
I dont know why I'm having a debate about the Enlightenment with a toothless farmer inbred
but here we are..
Chad Undercock is camping this thread to see If im saying anything about him
What a fragile little bitch he’s become. 🤣

Whos gonna impregnate your white daughters and keep the economy rolling? It certainly not the white man with his low fertility rates.
So now it is their fault for abortions and birth control???

This place is fucked up lol.
Meh. I care more about 2024

Pointing out history to detract from the fact that another religions mainstream is still living in inquisition times in 2024 is a bit perplexing.
Some rural mob in Pakistan represents the Islamic mainstream? Where in the Qur'an is mob violence sanctioned?
I was speaking in general. If you can't/won't believe that I can't help you with that. It is your problem after that man.

Hell YES I concede that man.... Bit its NOT a concession.... It's just my basic position.
So if you were speaking in general what kinds of examples did you have in mind?
That doesn't change my basic criticism of islam though. It's consistent with it.
I don't know that I really buy your criticism though, as I mentioned Islamic thinking on many matters has either changed over time or remained ambiguous and open to disagreement. In modern times with the rise of radical ideologies that's changed but that was the case in most parts of the world. Islam used to have a clerical class that was seperate from the state and acted as a kind of mediator class between states and their populations. This class was the keeper of the orthodoxy but was wiped away with modernity and the rise of the modern state. If you look at a lot of Islamist radicals like Hasan al Banna and Sayyid Qutb they aren't even Islamic scholars, they were trained as Western style schoolteachers.
Its a waste of time engaging with these clowns that know nothing more than a copy and paste from some hate filled anti-Christian sub-reddit.
Same could be said of you guys and your anti-Muslim circlejerks.
Chad Undercock is camping this thread to see If im saying anything about him
What a fragile little bitch he’s become. 🤣

You're one of the biggest clowns, if not, the biggest clown in this forum. I see you giving likes and heart emoji reactions to threads about underaged girls being raped by illegals and Islamic terrorism. You're a clump of worthless animal cells and an absolutely despicable piece of shit. To be honest, I I have no idea why you keep mentioning my name like a jilted ex-girlfriend with a grudge in random threads, but thanks for the attention - I feel flattered, asswipe.