International Tourist accused of blasphemy killed by mob in Pakistan

muslims can't get along with anybody, not even themselves. but let's pretend it's not 2024 and whatabout christianity from hundreds or thousands of years ago like it means anything.
Sure. Find some examples in the last 100 years. Any Christian countries that can jail you for life for insulting Christ?

You guys are hilarious.

Texas politicians have repeatedly proposed death penalty for abortion. It's no secret that extremist are assholes that want to rule over everyone and force obedience through their beliefs. I always love when people defend extremist on their own side and act like it's no big deal. Christian extremist used their religion to endorse slavery, commit genocide against Native Americans, oppose the women suffrage movement, impose the prohibition on alcohol, oppose the civil rights movement, oppress the gay rights movement, over turn Roe vs Wade, and lots of other bullshit.

No need to go back "hundreds or thousands of years" when we can simply look at how Christian conservatives extremist always try to oppress others. Luckily education has been a key in combating extremist movements in the west and most people can look back and say that causing harm to others in the name of an ideology is wrong.

It's always amazing how Christian conservatives want to attack other extremist like muslims or communism, yet ignore the wrongs of those that followed their own religion. I guess that's why Christian conservatives want to attack the public education system so badly.
Texas politicians have repeatedly proposed death penalty for abortion. It's no secret that extremist are assholes that want to rule over everyone and force obedience through their beliefs. I always love when people defend extremist on their own side and act like it's no big deal. Christian extremist used their religion to endorse slavery, commit genocide against Native Americans, oppose the women suffrage movement, impose the prohibition on alcohol, oppose the civil rights movement, oppress the gay rights movement, over turn Roe vs Wade, and lots of other bullshit.

No need to go back "hundreds or thousands of years" when we can simply look at how Christian conservatives extremist always try to oppress others. Luckily education has been a key in combating extremist movements in the west and most people can look back and say that causing harm to others in the name of an ideology is wrong.

It's always amazing how Christian conservatives want to attack other extremist like muslims or communism, yet ignore the wrongs of those that followed their own religion. I guess that's why Christian conservatives want to attack the public education system so badly.
Come on, fam. You serious?
Christian or not he fucked around and found out.

Now he’s an Eloi.

Ready for a kabob
when Christians do bad things its in violation of Christ's teachings. more often than not when Muslims do bad things its emulating their prophet. there is also no way around this for the Muslim religion in comparison to the enlightenment that Christianity went through because the view of scripture and the view of the prophet Mohammad has no comparison to Christianity.

Mohammad is the perfect man and THE ideal man. all of his actions are the perfect example set for Muslims to follow. also their scriptures are thought to be dictated by God directly to them word for word whereas the new testament is thought to be written by men who were inspired by God and perfect only in instruction for the way of salvation. that leaves a LOT of room to absorb inaccuracies and discrepancies in Christianity and change our understanding but not so with Muslims.

its disingenuous to pretend this distinction does not exist.

im not saying there cannot be a reformed Islam but its much more of an uphill battle to get there.
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You are equating multiple Muslim nations with various death penalties and life imprisonment sentences for blasphemy in a thread where someone was burned alive to apparent “Texas Politicians” who want the death penalty for abortion.

First, that’s a lie.

Second, it’s bordering trolling.
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In Texas, it is punishable by death to murder a child aged under 10 years, and since the proposed legislation would have reconstituted abortion as the murder of a living child, it is therefore true to say Texas lawmakers did indeed debate and consider a bill which would have had the effect of making abortions punishable by death.

The legislation, filed Tuesday by state Rep. Bryan Slaton, does not include exceptions for rape or incest. It does exempt ectopic pregnancies that seriously threaten the life of the woman “when a reasonable alternative to save the lives of both the mother and the unborn child is unavailable.”
The bills being introduced in Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky and South Carolina look to establish that life begins at conception. Each of these bills explicitly references homicide charges for abortion. Homicide is punishable by the death penalty in all of those states.

Texas politicians have repeatedly proposed death penalty for abortion.

What part about what i said is a lie? Killing people and wanting to punish others based on your religious ideology is wrong. I'm pretty sure I've been clear on that. It doesn't matter is it's Muslim, Christian, or any other made up bullshit.
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What part about what i said is a lie? Killing people and wanting to punish others based on your religious ideology is wrong. I'm pretty sure I've been clear on that. It doesn't matter is it's Muslim, Christian, or any other made up bullshit.
Come on, man. One is classifying an unborn child as a human being and subject to the penalties for murder and the other is religious fanaticism where you can be killed for saying something wrong about Islam.

If you don’t see how this isn’t equivalent I don’t know what to tell you.

Furthermore, it’s literally THE LAW OF MULTIPLE NATIONS versus things that are not even up for legislative votes.
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What part about what i said is a lie? Killing people and wanting to punish others based on your religious ideology is wrong. I'm pretty sure I've been clear on that. It doesn't matter is it's Muslim, Christian, or any other made up bullshit.
Punishing people for murder isn't a religious belief though. Abortion on its own has very little to do with religion. If an atheist believes abortion is wrong that doesn't mean that person is adopting a Christian belief. Its just Christians generally feel the strongest about when life starts.
Come on, man. One is classifying an unborn child as a human being and subject to the penalties for murder and the other is religious fanaticism where you can be killed for saying something wrong about Islam.

If you don’t see how this isn’t equivalent I don’t know what to tell you.
yeah... he is being intentionally dishonest in his arguments. its the same with the trumpers equating the endless list of bad qualities trump has with democrats who collective are probably not as bad as trump is by himself. im guessing he will think THIS similarity is way out of bounds though....

its dishonest.
Punishing people for murder isn't a religious belief though. Abortion on its own has very little to do with religion. If an atheist believes abortion is wrong that doesn't mean that person is adopting a Christian belief. Its just Christians generally feel the strongest about when life starts.
Come on, man. One is classifying an unborn child as a human being and subject to the penalties for murder and the other is religious fanaticism where you can be killed for saying something wrong about Islam.

If you don’t see how this isn’t equivalent I don’t know what to tell you.
Punishing people for murder isn't a religious belief though.

Punishing people for murder isn't a religious belief though. Abortion on its own has very little to do with religion. If an atheist believes abortion is wrong that doesn't mean that person is adopting a Christian belief. Its just Christians generally feel the strongest about when life starts.
So punishing people for breaking a law based on Muslim religious beliefs is wrong but it's cool when Christian extremist want to do it based on their beliefs? The idea that life begins at conception is pushed strongly by Christian religious beliefs, even though in the Bible the Christian god gives details on how to cause an abortion if the husband believes his wife is unfaithful. Which would also give cause for her death. That same god told his people to cut the belly open of their enemies to kill the unborn child. His people sang songs of bashing their enemies babies heads on the rocks. Sounds like a pro abortion god to me. It's cool that so many Christian extremist are wanting to govern based upon this religion. We should just ignore history and religious text, and give Christianity a solid pass.
So punishing people for breaking a law based on Muslim religious beliefs is wrong but it's cool when Christian extremist want to do it based on their beliefs? The idea that life begins at conception is pushed strongly by Christian religious beliefs, even though in the Bible the Christian god gives details on how to cause an abortion if the husband believes his wife is unfaithful. Which would also give cause for her death. That same god told his people to cut the belly open of their enemies to kill the unborn child. His people sang songs of bashing their enemies babies heads on the rocks. Sounds like a pro abortion god to me. It's cool that so many Christian extremist are wanting to govern based upon this religion. We should just ignore history and religious text, and give Christianity a solid pass.
I earnestly can’t tell if you’re trolling.