God damn I was excited to watch them grapple. You misled me.
Edit: Also I've complained about this before but that's never stopped me from complaining again. Why in gods name is it SO DAMN HARD TO INSERT A WORKING GIF!!! It was so much easier before the site redesign. You used to be able to copy and paste them from google. Now, even fucking linking them barely works.
EDIT EDIT: Okay, 10 minutes of my life wasted and finally the gif looks normal now. It really didn't used to be that hard. Why are we going backwards damnit.
I love Holloway but there is levels to this dear sherbros and we have to be honest to ourselves. Topuria is gonna make a statement with this Holloway fight and show everybody that he is on a ridiculously high level.
Imho Topuria is arguably 2nd P4P right now skill for skill
Maybe if Chimaev was extremely tired and Topuria was fresh, but otherwise I very much doubt Topuria lands a takedown on Chimaev. Well, or maybe if Chimaev was injured or sick.
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