EGON?!?! I can't believe you don't like Johns run. NOOOOOOOO!! IMO it's like a seminal piece of comic book work by a writer. And it was critically acclaimed and loved by th fans.
Ok now talk more comics with me. You read Johns Flash run??
Ok I can talk a little more coherently now
So for the Green Lantern stuff, you gotta understand, I was (am) a diehard Green Lantern fan. Since I've been old enough to read he's been my favorite comic book character, and along with Superman, Kyle Rayner's adventures were the first series I started collecting. I would never miss an issue of Green Lantern, Superman and the JLA. (I had a flood in my parents basement which wiped out most of my collection unfortunately, but I bought back most of the GL stuff, some as the hardcover editions)
I loved every second of everything I read with Green Lantern under Grant Morrison and Ron Marz, and when I decide to re-read Marz's run I still feel it holds up and is excellent.
As I got into Lantern in the 90's I came into contact with the other GL's: Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart. Stewart was my #2 behind Kyle, followed closely by Alan Scott. I decided to read the back issues. There were some really excellent JSA stories (JSA: The Golden Age, in particular), and Green Lantern Mosaic with John Stewart was unreal (and to this day is a top 3 for me of all the comics I've ever read.) With Hal Jordan... there was nothing. Pre Johns I can't think of a single Hal Jordan story worth reading, except for his fall from grace, Emerald Twillight, written by Ron Marz. To this day I still think it's the best Jordan story, and is right behind Mosaic as the best GL story ever told period.
Jordan coming in at the end of "Death of Superman" and dealing with the destruction of Coast City... it was my first taste of serious adult content in literature and the way the story moved from that horrible event into the destruction of the corps, the death of Sinestro, Zero Hour and was perfect. It was gut wrenching stuff that instantly got me hooked and essentially kept me hooked for life - and I heard about all the lame ass die hard Hal Jordan fans who constantly chided Marz and insisted Hal be brought back as the "one true lantern" (my ass), and it was always one of those little fears in the back of my mind that DC would cave and bring someone in who would retcon it all and contrive some bullshit story about Hal being brainwashed or some other halfwitted nonsense - and low and behold, Geoff Johns comes into DC and does that exact thing. Rebirth was a complete slap in the face and was just so unbelievably lame from start to finish. Fans of Hal's loved it and praised it in spite of all the continuity errors, sloppy dialogue, plot holes etc simply because they brought "their guy" back - and that only pissed me off more. Really soured me on Johns.
This is an interesting interview with Marz on the subject, about how turning Jordan into a villain actually created hardcore Jordan fans, where none really existed before:
As for his run on the Flash - that was a lot tighter, better written, more respectful to the fans of Wally West who had grown up with that character as the natural replacement for Allen (Terminal Velocity by Mark Waid is still the best Flash story period) and felt more like an
actual rebirth, not a tearing down. There weren't constant references to "the
greatest Flash" and there was none of the lame ass pandering/caving-to-pressure from Hal Jordan's idiot fans that went on with the Green Lantern rebirth or subsequent series like Sinestro Corps War/Blackest Night/War of the Green Lanterns.
I think Johns was in love with the Silver Age and hated the era of DC that I loved with a passion, to the point where he had no respect for any of it.
His GL stories were decent but they didn't hold a candle to the Marz run and it kind of bothers me people hold them in such high esteem, considering the "emotional spectrum" stuff A) doesn't make any sense, "will" isn't even an emotion as such and fear/hope/anger/compassion/love/avarice aren't the only emotions that exist, and B) he turned GL's from something special with a cool piece of space-technology into a bizarre kind of space power ranger with powers based on an "emotional well of energy". He also undid the death of the guardians without explaining it, making them "the oldest beings in the universe" when it was Kyle who brought them back, so they'd be around 5 years old at the time of rebirth...
He took all the stories I loved and grew up with and took a giant shit on them. Marz didn't do that when he turned Hal villain. His fall made perfect sense and was character consistent, explored complex emotions, dealt with death and the idea of finality in a universe full of unparalleled wonders and godlike powers, it questioned the very need for tragedy in a world where one goodguy could become God...
anyway that's my rant on Johns and why I don't care for his run on Lantern. I do still enjoy the stories to this day, I like Peter Tomassi quite a bit and the Red Lantern stuff was cool. Johns is a workhorse I'll give him that and he did the new 52 thing which was cool, if a bit poorly fleshed out, but he also gave us that terrible GL movie with Ryan Reynolds and has apparently handed the keys to the DC-CU over to Zack Snyder......