Top 5 Herbs for the Athlete

Chad Hamilton

Amateur Fighter
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
I thought I would assemble a list of herbs I believe have a benificial use to athletes and those who would like to be, not in any particular order.
This is merely an opinion and open for debate and any additions are welcome.

1. Ginsengs: Adaptogens that I believe should be taken together to balance the bodies functions but can be taken alone to balance deficiencies. All qi tonics.
**Asian (red) Warming stimulant. Produces strongest stimulation. Increases energy and stimulates bodily function.
**American (white) Cooling in nature, soothing. Referred to as "China's superior tonic". Increase bodily fluids. Calming adaptogen often used in conjunction with Siberian ginseng for depression, insomnia, fatigue.
**Siberian (eleutherococcus senticosus) Not really ginseng but produces similar effects so it's classified as such. Increase stamina, endurance, resistance to stress. Taken by those with insomnia and stressful lifestyle.

2. Ashwagandha: General tonic and adaptogen. Helps the body adapt to stress, physical and psychological. Stimulates the immune system. I was once told by a TCM practitioner that I should "take ashwagandha at night before bed to wake up stronger than a horse." Sexual tonic, positive effects on endocrine, cardio, and central nervous system.

3. Gotu Kola: Gotu kola has been referred to as "food for the brain". This herb demonstrated mild tranquilizing, anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects, as well as improving mental functions such as concentration and memory. It has a calming effect on the body and is chiefly used to support the central nervous system. Prevention of mental fatigue and enhanced concentration and memory. A balancing tonic that both increases energy and relaxes the body. Stimulates the central nervous system, aids circulation especially in the legs, and is a mild diuretic. Aids in many types of wound healing. Tibetan monks use the essential oil mixed in a sesame oil base to enhance meditation by rubbing into temples.
This is by far my favorite.

4. Fo-Ti: Blood tonic used to strengthen the blood, invigorate the liver and kidneys, and supplement vital energy (qi). Processed fo-ti is one of the more widely used tonics in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which employs it to enhance longevity, increase vigor, and promote fertility. It is also an ingredient in TCM formulas for premature gray hair, low back pain, angina pectoris, low energy, and other conditions. I believe the athlete should use this blood builder due to the stress on the organs when taking large quantities of supplements and excessive calorie consumption.

5. Ma Huang: Too much to list and I may start going off so here's the best site for the proper description and use.

Groundbreaking isn't it.
actually I was wondering about ginseng, are there any studies to back up the lore behind this root? I mean, everyone who's ever seen a kung fu movie knows how great it is, but I've never read anything about it that was published in a journal of any kind. And why isn't korean ginseng listed? In fact, the more I read about it now online, the less convinced I am that ginseng does anything, for example, here's a fun page:
Korean is Red ginseng.

And screw the published journal source BS, TCM backs it up.
Chad Hamilton said:
Korean is Red ginseng.

And screw the published journal source BS, TCM backs it up.
Turner classic movies?
Urban said:
Turner classic movies?


Hey Chad do you feel a difference with these herbs. I am especially curious about Gotu Kola. I am not too familiar with it. If you take it have you felt a difference? Is it a noticable difference?

Wolverine said:

Hey Chad do you feel a difference with these herbs. I am especially curious about Gotu Kola. I am not too familiar with it. If you take it have you felt a difference? Is it a noticable difference?


Gotu Kola...yes
Ma Huang...yes

Fo-ti...not so much I just remember my grandparents having it around.
I don't use the red or white ginsengs, I have a sensitive yang deficiency.
Urban said:
actually I was wondering about ginseng, are there any studies to back up the lore behind this root? I mean, everyone who's ever seen a kung fu movie knows how great it is, but I've never read anything about it that was published in a journal of any kind. And why isn't korean ginseng listed? In fact, the more I read about it now online, the less convinced I am that ginseng does anything, for example, here's a fun page:

I expected you to find a much better source than that.

I don't find much in that to sway my thoughts on ginsengs, I'm not trying to make you superman Urban.

Pull any athlete and dose them up with ginseng not knowing if they have any deficiencies (warm or cool) is not going to yeild positive results. It's meant for balance, so first you would have to know if you're out of balance.

I could barely finish reading that after I saw the brands they used.

Find a study using raw herb and someone who knows Turner Classic Movies.
i've noticed that the ginseng revitalizer kinda aggravated my acne... so i stopped.. and i noticed that asian ginseng was one of the main ginsengs in it..

does this mean i need more cooling giseng?:icon_chee
Do any give you a buzz mentally, not necessarily being intoxicated?
1.marijuana, allows intense relaxation, eating copius amounts of food, is a great sleep aid, allowing chilling out to your full potential.

im sorry top herbs? i had to.
Bman said:
1.marijuana, allows intense relaxation, eating copius amounts of food, is a great sleep aid, allowing chilling out to your full potential.

im sorry top herbs? i had to.

Often overlooked.
Milk Thistle to detoxify the liver from all of the complete $hit many people on this forum are taking!!! No joke.
Ma Huang!!! U mean that Ephedra shit! Man that makes your heart beat way too fast. Especially mixed with caffeine , citrus aurantium and other shit. I took Proburn once before a competition. After my first fight my heart was going wayyyy too fast. Scared the shit out of me. Felt really dizzy like I was about to faint. And my cardio was good. That shit is beneficial for the first 2 minutes of a fight. If you don't win before then, you lose for sure. It gives you energy (central nervous system stimulation) but your cardio suffers big time. Real bad for you.
Chad Hamilton said:
I have a sensitive yang deficiency.

Can you elaborate how you would find out you have such a thing and what the physical and mental reprocussions are of this condition