Tomorrow Hell Workout?


Feb 2, 2008
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Well basically I am wondering if you all can give me an all out intense hell of a workout tomorrow for nothing but conditioning and calisthenic (body weight) strength and endurance.

Anything from jump rope to sprints to box jumps to push ups to burpees to whatever! Make it crazy and last about 2-3 hours. Thanks for your contributions.
2-3 hours? Christ, man. You just became a yellow belt. Wouldn't you like to live long enough to become an orange belt? Anything that involves burpees, jump roping, and 2-3 hours is not conducive to living.
Anyone have the crazy cardio thread that Polynikes posted a long time ago? It was something like

Run 1million miles
Swim 1000 milles
Hill Sprints
30min bw exercise cicuit
Run 1000miles
run for about 1 hour, should get around 7 miles , then rope for 1 minute then pause for a minute for a total of 10 mins. then do some laps in pool, finalized by some biking
stewey if you could hook me up with the actual program id appreciate it.

I was trying to find it last night. I think it got deleted with a whole lot of other stuff when the board went through some changes. I was hoping someone had it.
Do an LSD run for about an hour, do an upper body circuit, do Bas Rutten tapes/shadowbox, then end trying to do 100 burpees.
Hopefully you'll be able to get through it. Your lower body can rest during the circuit. If you get through the 100 burpees at the end, you are a better man than I.
So you want a conditioning workout that will in all likelihood actually lower your conditioning level by overtraining you in a single workout?

Sweet, sign me up.
This is what I'm doing later. After a day of strongman events training.

Sprint 200m. <15s rest. x 10.

That'll make you feel good in a short amount of time.
This is what I'm doing later. After a day of strongman events training.

Sprint 200m. <15s rest. x 10.

That'll make you feel good in a short amount of time.

feel the lactate burn!!!!
Ever tryed the 300 workout? I love it, it puts me to shame.

25 Pull-Ups
50 Dead Lifts using 135 lbs
50 Push-Ups
50 Box Jumps 24' high
50 Floor Whippers using 135 lbs
50 Clean n Press using 36 lbs
25 Pull-Ups

These are supersets, so no breaks between exercises. I almost threw up the first time I did it. Keeps me coming back.
Ever tryed the 300 workout? I love it, it puts me to shame.

25 Pull-Ups
50 Dead Lifts using 135 lbs
50 Push-Ups
50 Box Jumps 24' high
50 Floor Whippers using 135 lbs
50 Clean n Press using 36 lbs
25 Pull-Ups

These are supersets, so no breaks between exercises. I almost threw up the first time I did it. Keeps me coming back.

Sounds like you're a glutton for punishment. I would die attempting that.
Try the bodyweight 500.. the key is to do it in as little sets as possible without resting between exercises.
it goes:
50 prisoner squats
50 push ups
25 jumps
25 stability ball leg curls
50 stability ball jack hammers
50 step ups
25 pull ups
50 forward lunges
50 close grip push ups
50 inverted rows
50 more prisoner squats and
25 chinups to finish...

The whole body is targeted and ideally u should be able to do this in under 35 minutes, if not, then ur not ready for it cos u have rested too much.