Tom Clancy's: The Division 2 - Official Thread

Ugh finally pushed thru kenley college for the diamondback rifle and i i can't even put a scope on it? Back to my m1a
Ugh finally pushed thru kenley college for the diamondback rifle and i i can't even put a scope on it? Back to my m1a

Do NOT sleep on the Diamondback!!!! Let it pick the targets for you, get that bite up and POW! Remember to build AROUND it so it'll synergize with your build. :) I may go back for an updated one (I have the lvl 30) after I take down rogue agent Saturn!
Do NOT sleep on the Diamondback!!!! Let it pick the targets for you, get that bite up and POW! Remember to build AROUND it so it'll synergize with your build. :) I may go back for an updated one (I have the lvl 30) after I take down rogue agent Saturn!
I would need a tankier build, as is i need distance to survive, which means the x12 scope

Give this a look, it might give you some ideas.

One day... Still trying to maximize my skill build. Need a Hana-U Corp holster for the skill damage bonus from a second Hana-U piece, currently have 3 Murakami gear and a Wyern wear piece. And still very curious bout the hardwire set wanna try spamming seeker mines and fireflys

I'm headed back to DC. Got a couple of agents to take out...
Just watched SOTG and I think you all are going to love TU10.
Last night I finished my first legendary Mission. I jumped in a game with three random people. we ran two heroics and it was going real well so we jumped into legendary on the Capitol Hill stronghold. It took us about two and a half hours. We died on the last section probably about 5 times before we put mics on and started communicating. We probably died four times after that before we got it down. All the gear was garbage and even the XP (600,000) wasn't better then heroic with directives on. I don't see the point of doing a legendary after this run.

Still addicted to the game though. Bought it in April of last year.

Of COURSE they're going to buff the Thompson to HE// and gone! I KNOW you're loving that! @PRIDEWASBETTER :) Yet my SVD and G-36 get no love :mad:!

I was on last night and going over some control points and the 2nd one I completed dropped the Nemesis. The stat for (handling?) is maxed out but I'd love to have it super-rolled.

I still have my original and an extra Acosta's go-bag, so I could re-roll it twice... Should I roll the dice or is the bird in the hand worth two in the bush? Or do I wait until the patch to try it?
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Definitely gonna be trying to get that Future Initiative gear and In Sync weapon talent

Also anyone know a forum or anything that updates where the Snitch is every day?
Definitely gonna be trying to get that Future Initiative gear and In Sync weapon talent

Also anyone know a forum or anything that updates where the Snitch is every day?

I think Reddit does? I'm not sure.