Tito Ortiz wants to become a Cop, “Cops are the good guys”

Well maybe if You give Tito a gun he'll finally be able to finish a fight.
Cops are the good guys.

I don’t support anyone who supports criminals.
Well he'd fit right in.

Then again, times are changing and it seems like accountability and having an actual functioning brain are going to be part of the job-so that rules tito out.
Well maybe if You give Tito a gun he'll finally be able to finish a fight.
Well he did beat up chuck who is basically a senior citizen and from what we've seen cops are are not above assaulting the elderly.
Which flag would he mount on the back of his cruiser?

He wouldn’t be allowed to be a cop in Arizona, Texas, or Mexico!
Imagine having to deal with his stuttering nonsensical babble during a traffic stop...?

“I monitor this street 5 times a week 6 times a day 56 weeks and month and I’m going to tell you what were you driving in miles per limit over the hour?”
Saying "cops are the good guys" is as simpleminded as saying "soldiers are the good guys".

It entirely depends on which army, which orders and which objectives they're serving. Like soldiers, cops can just as easily be labeled the "evil guys".

I am surprised that a man with such a large cranium doesn't comprehend this.

Maybe instead of being a bigot and stating an entire group is bad you should treat people by the content of their character as individuals .
If he was complaining about how little Dana paid him. Wait until he finds out what cops make.
Could you imagine him reading someone their rights!
"I have the right for you to remain quiet, everyone you say shouldn't say that, and, and, if you look at footage from my body cam I'll tell you about how you thought about your performance....Give it up for John Criminal, ladies and gentlemen"
I've been arrested 4 times in the last 4 yrs. and every time it was my fault. I didn't fight against them and I didn't get hurt, at all. People who fight cops are morons, your going to lose. BTW, can't stand cops, but they do serve a necessary purpose.
In the UK, he would fit the uniform perfectly.
He wouldn’t pass the screening, his IQ is too high.