Media Tito fans, rejoice

Does he have fans, or just people who will continue to check him out with their morbid curiosity? People are fans of him like rubber-neckers on the highway are fans of auto-wrecks. They just stare at the mess and wonder how anything in that could still be technically "alive"
He must have some anxiety talking in front of cameras because it can’t be CTE. Tito is one of the from guys that didn’t take much damage in his career

i agree. i think he doesn't concentrate as much while being filmed, and is too focused on how he thinks he's coming across. you remove the camera and the spotlight, and i bet he sounds much smarter. at least i hope lol.
Does he have fans, or just people who will continue to check him out with their morbid curiosity? People are fans of him like rubber-neckers on the highway are fans of auto-wrecks. They just stare at the mess and wonder how anything in that could still be technically "alive"
I think he's got fans. Hall of fame career, arguably a top 5 hardest strength of schedule resume of all time, fighters he's coached and other pros he's trained with all say great things about him.

Overall, he's a decent dude he's just easy to rag on due to him being socially awkward. I would say most fans and fighters respect and like him.
Tito gets a lot of shit but I always respect the OGs.
Too much shit. Always been a huge fan. Had a Great Dane I named Tito. He’s an idiot, but it’s harmless. Tito has always seemed like a cool and down to earth dude. There’s lots of stories from fans or people that have ran into him to back that up.
Dude keeps delivering <lol>
Love the video where he butchered Khabib’s name so many times. Calling him Caleb, Khalib, Numanomenov, Menenenov, confidence through the woof, i mean this is just out of this world:

Too much shit. Always been a huge fan. Had a Great Dane I named Tito. He’s an idiot, but it’s harmless. Tito has always seemed like a cool and down to earth dude. There’s lots of stories from fans or people that have ran into him to back that up.
same, big fan since the early scrawnier days and then LHW UFC glory. The dude dominated for a long time, and then took his beatings, fought the best regardless, still had some success. nothing but respect for tito ortiz. everyone's just playing into dana's games.