tips needed on grappling with 8 - 10 stone heavier opponent please


White Belt
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
He is like a rock - how do I use his own weight against him - he is solid muscle.

any tips?
Play open guard if you can. Don't let him get his weight on you and muscle you around. Sweeps will be your friend.
When i guard, try to avoid using a closed guard... play open guard more, make sure you utilise good hip movement. Use your speed and the agility that an open guard affords you, rather than trying to shut him down in closed guard. Forget armbars and triangles, etc, instead focus on sweeps and chokes... some other submissions tend to work well, such as the bicep slicer, calf slicer and foot locks. Generally though, i'll aim for the sweep.

When on top, stay light, move from position to position rather than trying to pin him. So instead of hanging onto side mount, spin round to north south when he begins to escape. Again, chokes with best, particularly if you are grappling with a Gi. The success of armbars depends on just how strong they are but they'll work on most big guys... you just need to put some extra focus on technique. The keylock also works well for me from mount. Still, when on top against i big guy (i weigh 145lbs) i tend to just go for chokes.
According to the googles:

1 stone = 14 pounds

8 stone = 112 pounds
Like many others have said, concentrate on sweeps. Foot locks will be your friend also.
If your training with someone who has more than 100 lbs on you. There is only one way to win . . . . to have MUCH more experience than that person.

A guy who weighs 150lbs against a guy who weighs 250lbs. Unless it is the big guys first week and the little guy is 3 years in and a good blue belt the match is going to be quite one sided.

Even if you are a solid purple belt, a guy who has upwards of 100lbs on you and is

A) not a ball of fat ass
B) has more than 2 months on the mat

Is gonna give you MAJOR problems no matter what. If the big guy is the least bit athletic your in serious trouble.
I consistently roll with a guy who has 100 or so pounds on me, and I will tell you that size does matter.

From the bottom, I find that Butterfly Guard is my best weapon where I armdrag and take his back. You have to create space, space is your freind on the bottom. Use speed and technique to counter his size.

In mount, I constantly transition positions and try not to let him use his weight against me. Stay active.
I've run into this issue. Work from the top whenever possible, and go for chokes. You'll have trouble with armlocks or triangles of any kind unless you're much more skilled than him. From bottom, play open guard and just look to sweep. Use your speed to create scrambles and take the top. Most of all, if he's trying to muscle you, learn to not use strength to resist him.
If your training with someone who has more than 100 lbs on you. There is only one way to win . . . . to have MUCH more experience than that person.

A guy who weighs 150lbs against a guy who weighs 250lbs. Unless it is the big guys first week and the little guy is 3 years in and a good blue belt the match is going to be quite one sided.

Even if you are a solid purple belt, a guy who has upwards of 100lbs on you and is

A) not a ball of fat ass
B) has more than 2 months on the mat

Is gonna give you MAJOR problems no matter what. If the big guy is the least bit athletic your in serious trouble.

Not true. I roll with guys who are the same belt as me, relatively equal experience, and I'm outweighed by up to or over 100 lbs sometimes. I wear them out, get on top or take the back, and choke them. It's a strategic thing, and the more you roll with guys with this weight disparity, the better you get at it. I'm not saying it's easy, or that I don't get a few bruises from time to time, but I do it consistently.
exactly what Mattt said. butterfly guard is really helpful. if you do get caught underneath in half guard the Paragon sweep works like a charm against bigger, stronger guys.