Tips for opening the closed guard in no gi?

snoop dogg***

Baby Heath goon$quad
Jun 5, 2012
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Ive been working on opening closed guard in my no gi game more. Not that I have a hard time with it, Its just I feel like I want to take more technical approaches to it. anyone have any tips? My knowledge is much wider for opening the closed guard in the GI than in no gi
Stand up, reach back and pop the hook off with your arm. Tozi pass if you want to stay on your knees.
Look up the old-school pass. You slide their arm under their back, while bringing the knee up, and hopefully, get the pass. Try standing passes. It's the hardest part of the game, it's not really going to have a straight answer.
One I like for a last resort is keeping good posture then hiding both my hands behind my back to fiddle with their feet. Normally this'll get them to try a hip bump sweep, as soon as them feet open one elbow to the knee and the other for the underhook. Pass. Granted it's not the safest guard break, but it's there as a last resort if you're just stuck.
type on youtube:

"dean lister open guard no gi"
One I like for a last resort is keeping good posture then hiding both my hands behind my back to fiddle with their feet. Normally this'll get them to try a hip bump sweep, as soon as them feet open one elbow to the knee and the other for the underhook. Pass. Granted it's not the safest guard break, but it's there as a last resort if you're just stuck.

I would only do that from standing, you need space otherwise you're going to get guillotined all day
Standing pass like others have said or if you don't care for the person you could grind your elbow into their leg until you have enough room to pass a knee, but honestly I feel like it's a cop out compared to actually using technique to pass the guard.
jump on to your feet

if they try to underhook a leg then turn that knee inside and open their legs using closed elbows
Im actually looking for more passes drom the knees. not so much standing up. I dont really have problems passing and opening the guard no gi, I just feel that i use alot more strength and pressure when passing no gi. Im looking for a more technical route to add
Why are you asking for tips if you are already so good at opening the guard?

The answer is right there for you, pass standing. It's far higher percentage, all the top grapplers are doing it; Marcelo, Popovitch, Kron, Rafa, Galvao, lister etc etc.

Why the fixation with passing on the knees? It's massively inferior.
If you want to stay on your knees you need to build posture, put one knee in their butt, push back with your hips to open their guard.

Then stand up and pass.
Standing pass like others have said or if you don't care for the person you could grind your elbow into their leg until you have enough room to pass a knee, but honestly I feel like it's a cop out compared to actually using technique to pass the guard.

Why stay on your knees? There is nothing good for you there, its only good for him. Stand up to pass, use the knowledge others have gathered from experience.
tozi pass can be a good one if you are more of an upper-body person.

I've had a ton of success for years with a variation of the tozi pass: the "justin garcia chim pass"
first step is keeping your hands pressed against your foe's hips with your elbows digging into their inner thigh area,keep an errect posture,flare the elbows into the thigh area to create pain/discomfort,then place one of your knees in the center of your foe's buttocks region..this should open the guard ,,then you can impliment any pass you want from there,,i like to pin one leg with my knee and underhook the other leg so i can pass to either side!!