Time to hit the saunas for Cormier


Steel Belt
Jan 2, 2009
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Hope his kidneys don't fail him again on the way down to LHW
Rigggghhht, cuz Cormier wants to be drained when he faces Bones.
I was rooting for JDS tonight, but getting to see Daniel at LHW was almost worth seeing him lose. I'm dying to see what Cormier has at LHW.
This is a problem for him.

If he could make LHW though he would MURDER jonny.
Awkward position for him, no choice though, he's positioned himself for a titleshot.
I chuckled. But if that's what is waiting for him, I agree. No HW title in sight for him
I was rooting for JDS tonight, but getting to see Daniel at LHW was almost worth seeing him lose. I'm dying to see what Cormier has at LHW.

Cormier is dropping to LHW, WTF are you all taking about. Is there a joke I am missing ?
Cormier is dropping to LHW, WTF are you all taking about. Is there a joke I am missing ?

He doesn't want to fight Cain (his training partner) and he said he could make 205 in a recent interview
Bad word choice, TS.

Let's not forget that Tim Means hit the sauna and the sauna hit back.
Rigggghhht, cuz Cormier wants to be drained when he faces Bones.

He's fat, but he's not getting to LHW just through diet alone. He's going to have to cut some weight and he's had problem with that in the recent past. And almost every LHW is going to be drained come fight night as they're almost all natural HWs who had to cut to make LHW. Jones included.
Anyways, Cormier has said that he will be debuting against Mir regardless.

I think he'll wait to see how Cain's first defense goes.
Hopefully he gets an immediate title shot at LHW. I'm not sure it's a good idea at this point. I still want to see a 225 pound division, as long as Cain, Reem and JDS stay at HW though.
Hope his kidneys don't fail him again on the way down to LHW

He already explained they failed him becuase he mae a bad cut.

He is chubby rigth now, he drop some pounds naturall and then cut the rest.
Time for sherdog to stop making duplicate threads.
Cormier is dropping to LHW, WTF are you all taking about. Is there a joke I am missing ?

Cormier and Cain train together and Cormier has basically said if Cain won he was probably gonna try and cut to LHW