Till made weight, so will Khabib. Have faith sherdog


Silver Belt
Apr 29, 2003
Reaction score
Biggest payday of Khabib's career no way he misses weight. Too much cash involved at this point. CONOR MONEY!

Sherdog will play out how sherdog plays out. But when it comes down to it...Khabib will make weight.
I knew Till would. But hes prolly wishing he didnt now tho. Lol
I have little faith but lots of belief!

Not sure Khabib is the one I'm worried about anymore.
Too much money involved Indeed. He should know that this is the time he really can't fail
Khabib easily made weight his last two fights and is looking real slim a month out. How does this warrant till level worrying.
The Just Bleed God created the Octagon to train the Faithful!

I dont get it..
Till made weight so therefore Kabob will make weight?

Thats some next level mma making weight math.
Khabib seems to have the weight cutting down at this point. I'm more worried about him pulling out with injury again than I am him missing weight. It's usually the former as to why he's become such a pull-out merchant.
Don't worry, Khabib will make weight after Conor removes his head from his shoulders.
He will make weight just fine like the last two times he did. Sure he's had a sketchy past, but he seems to have learned his lesson and if he does everything he is expected to this time, this will be his 3rd fight in ~9months. I am not sure many fighters in ufc can claim activity like that right now.
I hope he makes weight. I don't want anything to stop this fight.

How hilarious would it be if Conor misses weight?
Khabib easily made weight his last two fights and is looking real slim a month out. How does this warrant till level worrying.
At this point the "Khabib will not m-make weight, I s-swear!" rhetoric is propagated by the shook McClowner fans, who know that the only way Clowner wins this fight is via Khabib stuffing himself with too much food.