Tickling is Torture

Zookeeper Gabe

Animal Feces Engineer
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
This came up recently In the animal thread but I thought it deserved it's own thread. Many people have seen the slow loris videos where the animals are being tickled or holding onto a tiny umbrella. These aren't cute at all and actually show stress responses from the animals. There are some really good videos about this online.
If someone tried to tickle me, i'd KO them

Also, i never tickle animals bc it's not fair to them
I'd bite a bitch's head off if she tickled me

Slow loris are one of the few venomous mammals and the arms up is actually a threat posture because it exposes the venom glands. They almost always have their canines removed or clipped so they can't bite.
sorry to sound rude but this is a bit old isnt it @Zookeeper Gabe

i remember seeing it on facebook a year ago or so.

but yes. slow pygmy lorises shouldnt be tickled.
@grinderman not rude at all. These videos have been popping up for a while and I've been filling Little Fireface Project for years (helps that I have a wicked crush on the main researcher). But @Blood Python asked about it an I thought it would be good to post. Way to many people still get and share the tickling loris video. I can reach a decent sized group here in the Berry, if I help open even just a few eyes it makes me happy.
@grinderman not rude at all. These videos have been popping up for a while and I've been filling Little Fireface Project for years (helps that I have a wicked crush on the main researcher). But @Blood Python asked about it an I thought it would be good to post. Way to many people still get and share the tickling loris video. I can reach a decent sized group here in the Berry, if I help open even just a few eyes it makes me happy.
crushing on anna nekaris? or laura beasley? or elana racevska? if it floats your boat maybe it is dendi rustandi or aconk ahmad mugraha (not that it matters at all).
Tickling any animal is torture. I mean they did it as a legit form of torture in the dark ages to humans.

I get that the video is trying to tug on the ole heartstrings but tickling any animal should be forbidden.
So my dog doesn't wish to be tickled?
lol, use it at Gitmo to replace waterboarding
Some animals are fine being tickled, it's when the animal is terrified and showing it's main threat posture that it shouldn't be done. Also these aren't animals being bred in captivity, they are almost always smuggled from the wild and have incredibly shortened lives due to poor husbandry.
I tickle my cats sometimes ... I guess I'm an asshole
Tickle me and get touched with teh jab. It's just that simple folks.
Who the fuck is walking around tickling loris? Lol
Who the fuck is walking around tickling loris? Lol
Since the original video (tickling slow loris) came out their popularity as pets exploded. They saw a huge surge in poaching as a result, since they do poorly in captivity and the mortality is so high. They need to take a lot to get a few to make it.