Movies Thoughts on 'Die Hard'

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I saw it in the theater with my Dad and brother. I may have been 16. We were blown away. Edge of your seat suspense and action with amazing performances by a stellar cast. It’s a perfect film. Very few movies really grip you to your core. I remember when we were leaving we were high diving and felt like we had witnessed something amazing.

This movie made me want an MP5. I'll have to settle for an SP5 with a collapsible brace but oh yes, it will be mine.
Like a 9.5/10. A 10 for me is both an amazing film and something that has an effect on a personal level. Die Hard is in that Terminator 2, Aliens, Predator tier of films (funny because there are only two directors represented in Cameron and McTiernan). Robocop I place as one of my 10/10's but really they are all the same level of near perfect action films.
Finally someone has the balls to ask opinions on an obscure film which doesn't ever get the attention it deserves.

Need to do Terminator 2, Predator or Aliens next.
Good Fellas was a good movie.

So was the God Father.

I have not seen the Spider Woman movie. I heard it was not good.

Also, Barry Sanders was better than Emmit Smith
Like a 9.5/10. A 10 for me is both an amazing film and something that has an effect on a personal level. Die Hard is in that Terminator 2, Aliens, Predator tier of films (funny because there are only two directors represented in Cameron and McTiernan). Robocop I place as one of my 10/10's but really they are all the same level of near perfect action films.
It's true, robocop is a legit perfect movie

One of the greatest action flicks of all-time. I believe it could be the best.

Alan Rickman is just captivating and brilliant in this film.

No one else imo can do a better performance of the character Hans Gruber.

Bruce Willis was highly entertaining, besides the action scenes he had some very good clever/funny remarks.

The whole movie is full of funny moments, making it so brilliant that it is. It's a great blend of action, drama, suspense, comedy.

It's obviously a top movie, if not GOAT, in its genre. 9 year old me must have watched it like 50 times on that VHS that I recorded and spent many saturday afternoons mimicking the terrorists haha.

I am giving it a 9. It would be a 10 if not for the 90's cheese that has not held up the test of time...
Great film. The whole series is very up and down which kind of sucks. First one is great, Second is hot garbage. Third and fourth are both great. Fifth one is horrible.
Second one is hot garbage? You don't know your shit from your oatmeal, sir. Some scholars believe that it may be better than the first, even.
I saw it in the theater with my Dad and brother. I may have been 16. We were blown away. Edge of your seat suspense and action with amazing performances by a stellar cast. It’s a perfect film. Very few movies really grip you to your core. I remember when we were leaving we were high diving and felt like we had witnessed something amazing.

But why did you take a toilet break half way through.......
Crazy how Carl Winslow had to deal with Steve Urkel after this. Bruce Willis totally should have had a guest appearance on Family Matters
Worst movie ever, they stole the title of the movie script I was working on and ruined my life.

My script was based on the real life story of my friend's father who owned strip clubs and convenience stores that featured hidden rooms in the back equipped with glory holes and also provided the unique service of offering clean urine for sale over the counter. The guy died getting a blow job from one of his strippers.

It was the proudest moment of my life when I came up with the perfect title for my movie, Die Hard. Then this garbage piece came out and robbed me of my dream.