Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.
1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?
Violent rape, murder, government corruption, breaking and entering into private residence
Edit: forgot to add anything 

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?
18 I suppose
3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.
I am only for the death penalty when it is 100% proven that the person is guilty. If there is any shred of doubt, then I would be against it. Having said that, the very day that 100% guilt is determined, the person should be killed. No appeals, no death row, just remove the piece of shit form the earth. The amount of money spent on people who are going to die is ridiculous.
For example, that asshole who ran over a bunch of people in Toronto. He wasn't shot on the scene and I am not sure how I feel about that. Anyway, after being captured, he should have been tortured for information and then have his organs harvested and then thrown into the ocean. All of that should have been done by the weekend. Instead, Canadian tax payers are paying a fortune to not only keep this cock sucker alive, but to feed him and house him. That is craziness.
4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?
It could be but once someone commits a certain crime, they are no longer human and they need to leave. I wouldn't wish to waste a penny on them.
5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?
I think all stiff consequences deter foolish actions. Obviously not for all but it does for many.
6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?
I have no way of knowing this but it would not surprise me unfortunately.
Thank you guys.