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Thoughts on Capital Punishment

Can you please elaborate. Mucho Gusto. With much respect.
Replacing death penalty with caging people. Any change?
It is just that in our world war criminals win peace prizes.

Hell, we have (and have had for some time) clearly treasonous representatives at some of the highest levels of our government who will be spoken of as great patriots. At the same time men are convicted on DNA evidence that we know for fact is not 100%. It isn't spoken of much, but it's known nonetheless.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?
------------murder in situations where there is no extrenuous aggravation caused by the victim. For example, guy decides to rob and kill random someone for money = death penalty.....man kills opposing gang banger involved with gang who killed his friends/family member= no death penalty.

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?
-----------ill roll with the general age of consent of 18

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.
------------yes it bothers me, shouldnt take nearly that long for open and shut cases of guilt and reality is that ONLY cases where there is clear open and shut evidence should even be eligible for death penalty to begin with meaning the death penalty should be infinitely faster/cheaper

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?
----------------yes absolutely. But im not of the opinion that punishment for capital offense type crimes has anything to do with rehab, it should have to do with punishment. I feel that way towards basically all crimes, rehab always takes a back seat to punishment for the decisions you have chosen to make that inflict damage on society

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?
-------------yes albeit in very minor fashion. Might increase if death penalty was used more frequently

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?
-------------havent done any research on the race relations and death penalty. Being that it is a human influenced process, wouldnt find it hard to believe race has influenced SOME decisions, but hard to imagine it happens on a routine basis

Thank you guys.
Don't dig the death penalty at all , there's been to many cases where people have been found guilty of crimes that would have warranted the death penalty only to be found innocent years later , maybe American justice doesn't suffer such miscarriages but ours certainly does .
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With 100% certainty, for murder, I'm good. 13 and up. Lost fuckin' cause if you claim at that age to not understand murder is wrong (extreme mental conditions notwithstanding). It's as apples to apples punishment/retribution as you're gonna get.

What's 100% certainty? Not sure. I do know that eyewitness testimony as star evidence is a hard sell.
Don't dig the death penalty at all , there's been to many cases were people have been found guilty of crimes that would have warranted the death penalty only to be found innocent years later , maybe American justice doesn't suffer such miscarriages but ours certainly does .

Oh, it does. There have been dozens of people sentenced to death only to be exonerated later. The Innocence project has a good database of it.
In principle it works, in reality the American justice is system is too corrupt and error prone.
I'm fine with the way it works in America now except it needs to be carried out within a few months of sentencing.

Also, the method of execution needs to be much more painful and harsh. Criminals will think twice when we start executing them by being dissolved alive in acid or put feet first through a wood chipper.
I don't agree with the death penalty.
I don't think the state should have control over the life or death of a free person. Ending someone's life is not a power that the state should have.

I honestly would much rather banishment. People that commit capital offenses should be removed from society. Ship all of the murderers and :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes and rapists off onto one remote island, and let them live out the rest of their days with their worthless brethren.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

Thank you guys.

Big fan of killing scumbags.

1-Rape, murder, anything against children.

2-if you understand right and wrong, you’re old enough to know better

3-get rid of the red tape. You rape a child, you die. No need to spend 10 million. Hell their parents would do it free

4-you can’t fix these people

5-of course

6-of course not.
Both death row as well as life sentence take up an enormous amount of tax dollars.

I say we use one of our many islands in the middle of the ocean for a penal colony, where the monsters convicted of the most heinous crimes can self-rehabilitate among their own kind, away from normal people.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

Thank you guys.
Hi Waylon.

1. Repeat murderers (premeditated killing), repeat serial rapists. It isn’t just the seriousness of the crime though, there’s also a higher degree of certainty required. “Beyond reasonable doubt” isn’t enough. There are many cases where the perpetrator of a capital crime is beyond all doubt.

2. There should be no option for execution for persons under 16. People that age can know right from wrong, but still not understand the gravity of say, killing another person. 16-18 would need to be a case-by-case basis.

3. I think there should be a limit on appeals, and once a verdict is decided the sentence should be carried out within a few months.

4. Rehabilitation is possible in many criminal cases. It may not be successful for a variety of reasons and some people are genuinely beyond all hope. That’s why I think the death penalty is appropriate for repeat offenders who have had chances to change.

5. In some cases, yes. But for it to be an effective deterrent people would need to believe that a) they will be caught; b) that the death penalty may be a real consequence and c) care about both a and b.

It won’t be effective if rarely used and endlessly staved off, or in the case of real psychopaths. That said, while the death penalty may not always be an effective deterrent, it may be effective at eliminating dangerous individuals.

6. I don’t know enough about this to comment.

Let us all know how your thought process changes after this.
I support capital punishment in the event of serial offenders who is proven to be guilty. I don't mean "a jury of their peers decided that the state lawyer argued better". I mean, hard proof.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?

Violent rape, murder, government corruption, breaking and entering into private residence
Edit: forgot to add anything :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile.

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

18 I suppose

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

I am only for the death penalty when it is 100% proven that the person is guilty. If there is any shred of doubt, then I would be against it. Having said that, the very day that 100% guilt is determined, the person should be killed. No appeals, no death row, just remove the piece of shit form the earth. The amount of money spent on people who are going to die is ridiculous.

For example, that asshole who ran over a bunch of people in Toronto. He wasn't shot on the scene and I am not sure how I feel about that. Anyway, after being captured, he should have been tortured for information and then have his organs harvested and then thrown into the ocean. All of that should have been done by the weekend. Instead, Canadian tax payers are paying a fortune to not only keep this cock sucker alive, but to feed him and house him. That is craziness.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

It could be but once someone commits a certain crime, they are no longer human and they need to leave. I wouldn't wish to waste a penny on them.

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

I think all stiff consequences deter foolish actions. Obviously not for all but it does for many.

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

I have no way of knowing this but it would not surprise me unfortunately.

Thank you guys.
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1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?


Forms of assault, like torture

Violent rape


2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

14 and under.

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

Yes and no. To the 100% no doubters(filmed their crimes for instance), I wouldn't be against them being led out of the courtroom, right to the execution chamber.

The rest deserve their appeals, even if there is a 1% chance they're innocent.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

Yes, but they don't deserve it.

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

Not really. However, I look at it as the ultimate punishment for the ultimate crime.

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

Don't know the stats, or details surrounding how races are treated differently, in terms of similar crimes being given different sentences, so can't comment.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

Thank you guys.
1) First degree murder is pretty much it, although I'm sympathetic to people who'd want to add crimes like rape.

2) A line clearly needs to be drawn somewhere so I figure it might as well be 18. Maybe 21 since that's when we consider adults eligible to engage in whatever legal, personal activity they want.

3) Yes. Ultimately, justice should be about what is best for society. I don't see how it benefits us to spend more money killing someone than simply locking him away. That would suggest there's a moral benefit to capital punishment, and I tend to agree that requiring that someone flip the switch or inject the needle does some measure of harm to that person. At the very least, I'd think people in that position will have to start looking at death more clinically just to cope. So yes, if we're going to do it, I'd at least like it to be cheaper. Also, it's important that someone sentenced to the worst possible punishment the state can give have every opportunity to defend himself. So from this perspective, I always end up against the idea of capital punishment.

4) Maybe, but I'm not sure the risk/reward is worth it for the rest of us (at least as long as I'm basing this off my answer to question 1).

5) I don't think so, no. It's already reserved for the worst crimes one can commit, and I suspect the type of people who commit those crimes aren't the type who can be deterred by any kind of punishment. At least not before they get caught.

6) I think race plays a factor in everything to some degree. Obviously it depends on the jurors/judge/attorneys who are involved.
1. Murdering children

2. Under 18

3. Not really

4. In some cases yes, but not if any offender if guilty of murdering in droves.

5. No

6. Yes
Only ok for Trump, anyone he's ever spoken to, or anyone that voted for him or watched The Apprentice, or stayed at his hotel, or purchased a Trump tie..
Or groundhogs......
Death is oftentimes too merciful a consequence for criminals - even traitors, murderers, rapists. I know most people will be swayed by emotion when it comes to punishment and mercy, but I think that imprisoning people and making them work and suffer towards a goal that is in the public good, according to the severity of the crime, is more just. Humans are very useful creatures and we have a high capacity for learning and change, so it seems impractical to not use all of our resources even if they deviate from the norm.
1. You can never come back from killing children and old people.

2. A youthful offender. In my country thats like 18

3. A little. but it's nessecary to have some kind of protocool about these things

4. I think when you murder someone you use up all your coupons and need to pay the full price

5. No

6. Of course
1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?
Without exceptions? None.

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?
Obviously something like 13 is too young, 21 is probably old enough in theory. It varies.

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.
I'm bothered that people want to use that as an excuse to kill people without due process.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?
Cases vary widely. Definitely yes in some, definitely no in others.

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?
Not even a fraction of a ghost of a little.

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?
Yes, obviously.
Just have a few questions. I'm having a hard time coming to firm stance on this issue so I'm asking for a little help from my sherbors. Nobody I know is going to executed but I saw a vid and got the feels. Anyway if you don't mind answering a few questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions are aimed at the system in the US, but anyone from outside please feel free to contribute.

1. What do you guys think is a crime that with out exceptions warrants the death penalty?

2. Is there and age too young to sentence someone to die?

3. Are you bothered by the semantics? Such as the legal expenses accrued during the many appeals of most death row inmates, often times exceeding the cost of life in prison.

4. Do you think rehabilitation is possible in capital offense cases?

5. Do you believe the death penalty deters crime?

6. Do you believe race plays a factor in some capital punishment heavy states such as Texas?

Thank you guys.

1. Premeditated Murder.

2. Pre-25 or whenever it is that the prefrontal cortex finishes developing.

3. No.

4. Some. But we don't spend any real time or money on it in the U.S. prison system.

5. Not the type of crimes to which the death penalty should apply.

6. Yes.

All that said, I'm fairly draconian in my opinion on capital punishment. I think it should be applied far more liberally than it is. I'd like to get it up to all violent crime. And yes I recognize the issues related to false convictions.