This is what you get when you try to help people (this is for all you GNC sucks guys)


Doctor of Doom
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Feb 22, 2005
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So, the other day this dude comes in. He's been in there before, I recognized him right away as one of these jerks who is always bitching about a discount. "Come on man, I'm spending money here, you GOTTA work with me." He tells me he wants to put on about 15-20lbs of muscle in about 3 months and asks me if creatine alone will do it. I tell him no, because as (I hope) most of you know creatine is NOT EXPRESSLY for weight-gain, as much as it is to increase strength, endurance, recovery, hydration to your muscles, which translates to more training, and gains. I laid it all out, he asked me what I recommend, as per usual I tell him cheap options and more costly yet more efficient ones.

In the end he ends up buying the Muscle Milk, and a couple of other things. Because of his incessant whining about a discount, I stick MY neck out to cut him a break on the PRICE of the Gold Card, reducing it so basically he doesn't pay anything to get it and still gets a sizeable discount on the remainder of the purchase (and with the buy-one-get-one 50% off on the Muscle Milk) and he walks away thanking me. Now, amid the conversation he asks me my suggested use for the Muscle Milk and about how long it would last him. I told him that a tub usually lasts a couple of weeks to a month depending on how many times per day he uses it, but that a slightly reduced dosage (2 heaping tablespoons, which is what I use) and using it only twice as opposed to 3 times per day, eating more, etc, and it should do him good. Because he kept on asking me about the cheaper option I laid it out. I said "look you can accomplish the same thing with a creatine and a weight gainer together, but you might add bodyfat with all the sodium and suger and the price really won't be much different in the end." Now here's what happens.

This fuckin' pundit comes BACK in the day after telling my manager I lied to him, I deceived him, I talked him SPECIFICALLY out of buying what he initially wanted and lied to him about the dosage (because he got it home and apparently THEN, not during the 30 minutes he spent in the store, but THEN decided to read the fucking label) and now he wants to return it. However, when my manager goes to return it she notices the discount off of the COST of the Gold Card and when I go into work today I get a fucking lecture about the whole thing. So I end up looking as if I first deceived and lied to the guy, then cheated the Company as well. Luckily enough my manager believed me when I said this dude was being a whiny prick and I just wanted to do whatever it took to shut him up at the point I decided to do this, but still, it came back to bite ME in the ass.

So, in summation, THIS is why you don't get Discounts. THIS is why there are such things as protocol and restrictions on what we can do for you. I have half a mind never to give another non-Gold Card discount again just because of fucking whistle-blowers like this guy who basically ruin business for the rest of you. I did everything I could to please the fuck, and this is what I get for it. Now I'm not blaming him, I shot myself in the foot. But do you see what I mean? THIS is what happens when you deviate from procedure. I'm notorious for being uptight at the store, I don't take shit from customers, and this is why. Because at-times I let my guard down, and get busted in the fucking lip for it. Think about this story the next time you shoot your mouth off about who is really being the asshole. Because as far as this dude is concerned, even though I gave him options, even though at a certain point I quit suggesting shit and let him make his own decision, even though I explained to him that my recommendations are what they are due to the specific nature of his goals, somehow when the dust settles I'M the lying prick.

Fuck him, fuck discounts, and fuck all of you'se who do this kind of shit because of your need to be "right"...and reveal conspiracies against you.

End rant.
luckily i have a gold card. yea, that kinda shit is why not to be extra nice to people.

btw, i was wondering how you knew so much about supplements. guess workin at gnc gives you a pretty good amount of knowledge. one of the gnc's near me is hiring and i put in an app today sounds like i may be gettin a job there from what the manager said today. just waitin for him to call me. how do you like workin at gnc?
the guy is a def prick

and u tried to help - that is the job

but unauthorized discounts is a cheat to the store - giving an unwarrented discount becuase someone sobbed alot is a poor reason.

Be the helpful guy you seem to be but don't rob those that pay your check, your first loyaltu should ne to them not some whiny dick

Hey Kabuki... do ya think you can renew my Gold Card, it expired last month and I dont feel like paying for another one.

HAHAHA just playin I hate mutherfuckers like that... I hope that fuck tears a rotator cuff.
I have a GNC question then. The gold card is only good for the first seven days of the month right?
I ask because one of the guys who works at the local store offered to give me the Gold card discount on the 25th of last month or something like that. Is this policy, or was he just trying to help me out (or just make a sale).
Either way, I told him I'd wait and buy everything when I got paid, and ended up benefiting from the Anniversary sale.
Yeah thats why I don't hook people up that I don't know. too many jackasses in the world.
Good ol GNC gold cards...

The only time I ever tried to get a deal from a girl at a GNC was when I was about 3 dollars short for my whey protein powder. It turns out the girl's husband trains at the same gym as I do so we got to talking and she knocked it off. I was about to go to the ATM though.
Kabuki, you'd haved loved it if I was in the store. My best friend and I used to frequent Eva's- the famous bodybuilding eatery in Manhattan- that has a supplement shop in the back. The guy at the counter, Mike, was really cool, and knew quite a bit. He was obtuse about certain issues, but at least he was educated. Well, we'd sit and bullshit with him all the time (cause we'd eat there post-workout nearly every day), take his suggestions, and tried a number of things he recommended. He's the one who got us on NO-Xplode.

But every once in a while there was some douche in there asking the most unbelievably stupid questions. For the most part, Chris and I kept our mouths shut, because we didn't want to ruin business for Mike. But you could tell when he reached a point he couldn't answer the same stupid questions anymore. Seriously, some guys would ask the same question five or six times. Not two times, not three times (I've been known to do that, I have a reputation as a skeptic), but five or six goddamn times.

Finally, Chris and I would say something like, "Dude, are you an idiot? Read the label. It's ON the LABEL. THE LABEL." And these guys would start to argue with us, saying, "Well, the Muscletech does-"

"No it doesn't. You're an idiot. Jay Cutler OWNS you."

"Yeah, but..."

"But you're illiterate? You can't read? It's on the label. Sugar is sugar, asshole. Servings are servings, asshole. Add, Divide, Subtract...shit, take up checkers. You're too dumb to lift."

I pity you, man- the bindings of business. I love speaking my mind.
Oh, and the guy sold me the Fizogen "Get Blitzed" book for a dollar after I asked him why he always recommends it to me every time I go in there. Cover price is $24.95.
I cannot stand cheapskates, and especially ungreatful cheapskates. Some people are just really lame, and ruin everything for everyone else. Unfortunately the world is full of these fools, and theres really nothing we can do about it.
JP said:
I cannot stand cheapskates, and especially ungreatful cheapskates. Some people are just really lame, and ruin everything for everyone else. Unfortunately the world is full of these fools, and theres really nothing we can do about it.

We can't smash them on the head?
Thanks for the support guys, but as far as this goes:

but unauthorized discounts is a cheat to the store - giving an unwarrented discount becuase someone sobbed alot is a poor reason.

Be the helpful guy you seem to be but don't rob those that pay your check, your first loyaltu should ne to them not some whiny dick

Like I said, I'm already known as the "asshole" of the store because I just don't routinely do shit like this. I been working there for 3 years and maybe, maybe four total times have I deviated from policy because I believe a workplace shouldn't give me rules if they don't want me enforcing them. However, what I read non-stop in these forums is how much GNC is overpriced, how GNC is so not concerned for customer welfare, blah blah blah. Like I said, look what happens when the guard is let down.

Standard retail pricing (which anyone can argue is "overpriced" but there HAS to be a guideline either way), there's ALWAYS shit on sale and promotions going on, during the first week of the month you have the 20% off with the Gold Card, and I've seen this save people an assload of money, one woman last night payed $134, for shit that normally would have cost her $208, and people STILL bitch, throw hissy fits, complain. I'm not perfect, so sometimes even I have lapses in judgement and am willing to knock a price down to gain a steady customer. But this time, the joke was on me.

Mick - I actually kind of like the binding of the uniform and job title, because I'm WAY too abrasive outside the scope of that. This job has actually helped me be able to better communicate where normally I don't say anything because I think very few people are even worth it. But I do have my moments at the store, I've been approached by customers and told I'm too mean to work with the Public.

"Do you guys have liquid calcium?"

"They sell milk at the grocery store."

"What's the difference between the Ultra Mega Gold with Iron and the Ultra Mega Gold without Iron?" (seriously)

"We don't get paid to think, I just push the buttons on the register."

"Do you guys have Green Tea in a liquid form."

"'s tea. Tea is liquid." (I know what the dude was trying to ask but it's the principal, this is like asking what U-Haul stands for, or how big their 20 foot truck is.)
King Kabuki said:
Thanks for the support guys, but as far as this goes:

Like I said, I'm already known as the "asshole" of the store because I just don't routinely do shit like this. I been working there for 3 years and maybe, maybe four total times have I deviated from policy because I believe a workplace shouldn't give me rules if they don't want me enforcing them. However, what I read non-stop in these forums is how much GNC is overpriced, how GNC is so not concerned for customer welfare, blah blah blah. Like I said, look what happens when the guard is let down.

Standard retail pricing (which anyone can argue is "overpriced" but there HAS to be a guideline either way), there's ALWAYS shit on sale and promotions going on, during the first week of the month you have the 20% off with the Gold Card, and I've seen this save people an assload of money, one woman last night payed $134, for shit that normally would have cost her $208, and people STILL bitch, throw hissy fits, complain. I'm not perfect, so sometimes even I have lapses in judgement and am willing to knock a price down to gain a steady customer. But this time, the joke was on me.

yea, i just hate when i run out of something on lk the 20th or so and have to wait to use my gold card.
I get people that try to bargain down prices with me all the time. I tell them that this isn't ebay, an online store, or a damn Arabian trading post, and that the prices are marked that way for a reason. They either leave, or buy what they want. Customers are always dicks, thats the reality of life.

Im just kidding King, I used to deal with the same shit working at red Wing Shoes. Retail is a bitch, I always compared it to McDonalds. You wouldnt go into McDonalds and haggle over the price of a # 2.
48LawsOfPower said:

Im just kidding King, I used to deal with the same shit working at red Wing Shoes. Retail is a bitch, I always compared it to McDonalds. You wouldnt go into McDonalds and haggle over the price of a # 2.
I feel your pain. I worked at Wal Mart in the frozen food section for two years in college. I had to endure a nasty old woman bitching me out because we were out of some obscure ice cream flavor. She then asked where the toothpicks were. Like a dumbass, I actually gave her good information and she pestered me for everything after that. She came sometime later and ask for my advice on what air conditioner filter to get, and wanted to know if we had any sheer panty hose in the back. It is very difficult to not beat some people down with the 5 lb bag of frozen corn on the cob in those instances. I could only imagine working in a GNC. The guys there serve as nutritionists for the entire community.
Now, I have the satisfaction of working in a hospital. At least there, everyone has a legitimate reason to be pissed off and nasty.
Shoulda kicked him in the face King.

Or sold him something that would make him bloat and shit for a week.
King Kabuki said:
Thanks for the support guys, but as far as this goes:

Like I said, I'm already known as the "asshole" of the store because I just don't routinely do shit like this. I been working there for 3 years and maybe, maybe four total times have I deviated from policy because I believe a workplace shouldn't give me rules if they don't want me enforcing them. However, what I read non-stop in these forums is how much GNC is overpriced, how GNC is so not concerned for customer welfare, blah blah blah. Like I said, look what happens when the guard is let down.

Standard retail pricing (which anyone can argue is "overpriced" but there HAS to be a guideline either way), there's ALWAYS shit on sale and promotions going on, during the first week of the month you have the 20% off with the Gold Card, and I've seen this save people an assload of money, one woman last night payed $134, for shit that normally would have cost her $208, and people STILL bitch, throw hissy fits, complain. I'm not perfect, so sometimes even I have lapses in judgement and am willing to knock a price down to gain a steady customer. But this time, the joke was on me.

Mick - I actually kind of like the binding of the uniform and job title, because I'm WAY too abrasive outside the scope of that. This job has actually helped me be able to better communicate where normally I don't say anything because I think very few people are even worth it. But I do have my moments at the store, I've been approached by customers and told I'm too mean to work with the Public.

"Do you guys have liquid calcium?"

"They sell milk at the grocery store."

"What's the difference between the Ultra Mega Gold with Iron and the Ultra Mega Gold without Iron?" (seriously)

"We don't get paid to think, I just push the buttons on the register."

"Do you guys have Green Tea in a liquid form."

"'s tea. Tea is liquid." (I know what the dude was trying to ask but it's the principal, this is like asking what U-Haul stands for, or how big their 20 foot truck is.)

ha, that last one about the green tea was funny as shit, lmao
Gold card? Elite card all the way.
I'd love to work at GNC. What's the age minimum?