This is probably the first time in MMA where two polarising figures are facing each other.

There’s 0 evidence to support he’s disliked cause hes black, too.

People should be able to like or dislike fighters without race being an issue.

It seems people don’t like Woodley based on the content of his character. But then people say oh you have to treat him special cause he’s black.

Seems backwards to me

You misunderstand what I said.
I didn't say he was disliked because he was black
I said that he said that he was disliked because he was black. And there's plenty of evidence that he's said that... because he's said that.

He's never asked to be treated special because he's black, nor have i seen anyone seriously state that he should be.

What people dislike is when people who seem reasonably well off dwell on people disliking them, and what people dislike even more is when people attribute reasons that they don't agree with. To make matters worse the reason that Woodley thinks he's disliked is due to race, and 1) Most people don't like to talk about race at all unless it's on their own turns 2) We're dealing with a fanbase largely made up of stupid people that aren't equipped to deal with nuanced points and 3) Woodley himself doesn't care to state his point in a way that doesn't come off as stating absolutes.

Which makes people dislike him more.
Don't like the guy, guess I'm racist.

Then again Till seems to be quite the dick as well.

Agreed on Till being a dick.

And no, not all people who don't like Woodley are racist, nor have I implied that.

But MANY are.
I want Till to win to hear him scream and say things in his weird accent hahaha I love it
woodley is whiny little **** and entitled as fuck, but till is a shitty father by abandoning his kid. when she grows up and becomes a junkie/liberal/etc he will have only himself to blame. but I'm still taking till. but we have great chances of having a boring ass fight. hope not. and I wouldn't mind with a woodley first round KO, but that's quite unlikely

Yeah bro you made an account to share your opinions on a sport you’re completely apathetic towards. There’s nothing wrong with being invested in the fighters.
There's discussion threads and then there's "fighter x is the greatest puncher of all time and if you disagree with me you are a limp dicked soy boy cuck" threads. Which do you see around here more often?
We're talking about fighters here.
There's literally nothing polarizing about Woodley at all, besides the fact that he's unapologetic black guy, who calls racist people's bullshit when he sees it.

If he played the stupid ghetto, ebonics character like Rampage or Black beast, white UFC fans would love him. But because hes an intelligent black guy who doesn't put up with any bullshit subtle racism, it triggers lots of closet racists.

I'm looking forward to the salt tonight.
Repeating hysterical and unfounded accusations of racism is hardly evidence of intelligence, it's just what people do when they don't have any actual facts.
woodley is only divisive to closet racists and til isn't divisive at all.