This is pretty cool of Ellen Degeneres


Double Yellow Card
Double Yellow Card
Nov 2, 2018
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This was on my Youtube for some reason, but this is something I hope we can all agree though I'm not much into politics

Warms my heart

I love it when liberal celebrities and right wing war criminals become good friends, it's so wholesome.
I love it when liberal celebrities and right wing war criminals become good friends, it's so wholesome.

Jesus only hung out with hookers.

Jesus BTFO
edit: I could do better. Stay tuned.
i liked it when ellen scared taylor swift a bunch of times. tay tay got pretty angry towards the end of it lol.

She was nice to someone for a few hours. Kill her
She's the biggest narcissist on the planet. Except for maybe Trump. I'm sure she would hang out with Romney or any other anti-Trump establishment elitist.
I love it when liberal celebrities and right wing war criminals become good friends, it's so wholesome.

Did you just libel George Bush? He hasn't been charged or convicted of any war crimes.
Former Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke: Bush, Cheney Committed War Crimes
In the first-ever judgment of its kind, Bush and seven other top members of his administration were convicted in absentia of war crimes in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2012 for the unlawful invasion of Iraq.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff, also accused Cheney of war crimes in 2011, citing the former vice president’s affinity for enhanced interrogation techniques.

“Waterboarding is a war crime, unwarranted surveillance ... all of which are crimes,” Wilkerson said in 2011. “I don’t care whether the president authorized him to do it or not, they are crimes.”
Ya'll seem to like that 'woke' culture when it's in your favor I see.
I'll admit I'm ignorant of this. What does Malaysia have to do with anything?

Oh nevermind. It's not legit.

The former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Param Cumaraswamy, has suggested the tribunal is a private enterprise with no legal basis and questions its legitimacy.[15] The tribunal does not have a UN mandate or recognition, no power to order arrests or impose sentences, and it is unclear that its verdicts have more than symbolic significance.[16]
I can tell Liberals are very angry over this. Instead of people coming together they want more divisiveness.
Mind boggling how people hate Trump so much they are willing to embrace Bush because he didn't fuck porn stars unabashed.
George W Bush is a traitor and war criminal.

He killed thousands of Americans and millions of civilians for private business oil profits.

Anyone who supports Bush is a neoliberal and neoconservative- the truest enemies of the people.
“If you’re not down with that, Degeneres X got 2 words for you!”?
I love it when liberal celebrities and right wing war criminals become good friends, it's so wholesome.

it is nonsense. But would you care if she hung out with war criminals bill and Hillary Clinton, or Obama?

All should be in jail