This is hilarious - atheist social justice warrior vs Christian

Some use LRon Hubbard. Tom cruise is crazy because he believes through the power of Scientology you can overcome depression. But through the power of Jesus it isn't crazy. Go figure

If some bizarre faith (Scientology), or worshipping a person you believe died for you sins (Jesus) helps you cope with, fight, overcome depression than I'm all for it.

I'm not sure if you have encountered people with depression but it's no fu*king joke...especially how overwhelming it can be.
If some bizarre faith (Scientology), or worshipping a person you believe died for you sins (Jesus) helps you cope with, fight, overcome depression than I'm all for it.

I'm not sure if you have encountered people with depression but it's no fu*king joke...especially how overwhelming it can be.

That's why I rip so hard on these faith based bs remedies. People need to get some real help.
That's why I rip so hard on these faith based bs remedies. People need to get some real help.
The words of the Bible are real help. Be thankful, rejoice even in hardship, love others, forgive, pray for your enemy, God loves you, this life is not all there is, bless your enemies, do good works, do your job as if you're doing it for the Lord. Get to bed on time, have a day of rest. I could probably go on.
Sounds like many Sherdoggers during any thread about religion.

Hell, he even looks like a sherdogger. Lol. Just substitute the guy with the sign with Yoel Romero.
That's why I rip so hard on these faith based bs remedies. People need to get some real help.

Well, I worked with some patients with mental issues and you would be surprised on how many therapists actually recommend the patients to follow their religious practices and see improvement on it. Of course that's not the only thing to recommend, but I won't argue with the pros ,and I am in liberal Massachusetts BTW
giving a bad name to atheists.

Most atheists do. I'd like to organize a quiet atheist movement on facebook.

It goes like this:
Delete your account, shut the fuck up, grow some balls, and believe what you want to believe.
Most atheists do. I'd like to organize a quiet atheist movement on facebook.

It goes like this:
Delete your account, shut the fuck up, grow some balls, and believe what you want to believe.
thats the attitude of most atheists. we dont care that u believe in alibaba santa clause a cow or whatever.

This may be old to some of you. I saw it for the first time today.

The atheist sjw actually makes the Christian proselytizers sympathetic figures. I find it hilarious. He presents poor arguments and throws a bit of a sissy fit. Keep my interest though.

The proper way to deal with people on the street who are spouting religious beliefs that you don't subscribe is to ignore them.

I am curious how this guy would react to the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Are you trying equate the two in order to make a "double standard" argument?
People who suffer from bouts of depression tend to be skinny because of messed up serotonin levels. Messes up their sleep and things like that
Hey I am depressed but I am obesse right now.

But you are right it really messes up sleep.
I'm glad you guys were able to deal with your depression in a healthy way.

I know lots of friends and former Gf's who struggled with one form or another of it. It's no joke.

Some use medication, others use exercise...and some use Jesus to deal with depression...

Its really no Joke, and the thing is it gets worst and becomes more physical as you get older.

Lol at ghe guy on the video boy was he triggered big time.
If some bizarre faith (Scientology), or worshipping a person you believe died for you sins (Jesus) helps you cope with, fight, overcome depression than I'm all for it.

I'm not sure if you have encountered people with depression but it's no fu*king joke...especially how overwhelming it can be.

So To Cruise believes that depression is caused by Alien implants? and piles are caused by repeated probing?
Im atheist but when he was pointing at the sky talking shit, I kinda hoped God did exist and hit him with lightning.

This is a great watch.
thats the attitude of most atheists. we dont care that u believe in alibaba santa clause a cow or whatever.

It's hard to know the attitude of most, but I can only hope you're right. Both fear and wisdom will lead to keeping quiet for the most part. I have a little of both :) 1: I fear what can be lost through bickering conversations. 2: Through wisdom, I also know there is little to gain and much to lose with bickering conversations.