Thinking of a Cheap Carry Gun. Comments Welcome


Greatness isn't Stoked by Compliments.
Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score

33.oz unloaded. Commander length. Made in Philippines. $390 from Boobs gunshop

Cheaper in Texas though:

Was looking at a nice n shiny Iver johnsons, it was Purdy, but cost 200 more clams!


Anyways, I think a Commander Length 45acp would go nicely in a jackass rig:


Would make a nice Retro Carry Rig.

With only 8 rounds it should past muster in any State that may have restrictions on capacity but otherwise allow Concealed Carry.

Thought about 9mm, but most are either shit plastic hold too many rounds or are just plain wankerish, plus I've shot 45s for so long I'm institutionalized to them.


What would you Goons choose?

Damn, the Johnson does look good though.
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I'd honestly go with the second one. My first 1911 (and oddly the one I shoot best since I got the slide worked on some) has those old school GI style sights and they are SUCH A BITCH to use and most gunsmiths aren't willing to fiddle with changing them because they have to start milling on the slide to replace the front ones.
I'd honestly go with the second one. My first 1911 (and oddly the one I shoot best since I got the slide worked on some) has those old school GI style sights and they are SUCH A BITCH to use and most gunsmiths aren't willing to fiddle with changing them because they have to start milling on the slide to replace the front ones.

I know, but damn. $600 compared to Tree Fitty Fo!

I could learn to squint for that kinda difference?
Why are you looking to go cheap on a carry gun? I would go for something reliable, then cheap in that order. Not saying you need to spend a fortune on a carry gun but I would make sure to have something that you are confident in going bang everytime.

I do like 1911's for carry guns and would carry one if my department didn't restrict us from carrying them off duty...
Wouldn't you like something like a Nice XD45 Or Glock Derivative for on the Job over a 1911 8 shooter?

More Bullets?

Why cheap?

Cuz the likelihood I ever actually carry it will be slim to none. Maybe not, but probably.

I don't think they'll be an issue per say with going Philippine 45. Hell they been turning them out there since WWII. For $354 If it doesn't work, I can afford to fix it easy enough.

Most reports say the AI is a great gun, (for what it is)

Plus with a keen shoulder rig I can stand around like Bullet, wearing love beeds and giving advice.


Cept with a better class of heater, than the junk he had.
Gee, I forgot the chick in Bullitt was Jacqueline Bisset

Go with a Glock. It's 'cheap' when you compare it to guns of equal reliability, weight, and magazine capacity.

If you're in a situation in which you need to use your gun, in which you're in a life threatening situation, you want the best (for the price), and that's a Glock.
Go with a Glock. It's 'cheap' when you compare it to guns of equal reliability, weight, and magazine capacity.

If you're in a situation in which you need to use your gun, in which you're in a life threatening situation, you want the best (for the price), and that's a Glock.

Thanks, but my Criteria excludes Glocks and XDs. No double stacked pistols.

Already have 2 XDs 45s and one (Now Comped Out) 19rnd XDM 9mm.

( I personally wouldn't buy a Glock)



I want a classic 45 for this.
your criteria is kind of insane. must be single stack, also not glock. but also cheap. but also reliable.

Just get a PPK or Kahr CM9. thats pretty much what you are going to get without moving into saturday night special territory.
your criteria is kind of insane. must be single stack, also not glock. but also cheap. but also reliable.

Just get a PPK or Kahr CM9. thats pretty much what you are going to get without moving into saturday night special territory.
Or Shield or Mod2..
your criteria is kind of insane. must be single stack, also not glock. but also cheap. but also reliable.

Just get a PPK or Kahr CM9. thats pretty much what you are going to get without moving into saturday night special territory.


Thanks though.