Opinion The “Trudeau money” from Covid is pretty awesome.

Trudolla bills are just so tempting! You know you want some!

Canadians who don't qualify for CERB are getting it anyway — and could face consequences

More than 7 million Canadians have applied for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit — but CBC News has learned that some of them shouldn't actually be getting the $2,000-per-month payment.

Trudolla riots is starting to look like a possibility.

The "consequences" are basically the terms you'd have for a loan. I'm seriously tempted to just apply. It'd basically be a zero interst loan of 2k a month as long as it's paid back before wtv
date they decide on. I'm figuring they'll need months to sort through their shit, which means payback would be for next year.

It is pissing me off more and more
The "consequences" are basically the terms you'd have for a loan. I'm seriously tempted to just apply. It'd basically be a zero interst loan of 2k a month as long as it's paid back before wtv
date they decide on. I'm figuring they'll need months to sort through their shit, which means payback would be for next year.

It is pissing me off more and more

Everyone should just apply and use it to buy extra food, supplies and gear for the coming shit storm.

Trudolla dolla bills yall!

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Feds investing in online health care, Vancouver company studying COVID 19

The government is spending $240 million
Pandemic proves it's time for basic income for all, economists say

The next time the world is blindsided by a global emergency, the economy will fare better if everyone is paid what they need to survive before it hits, according to experts who say the current pandemic is an economic game-changer.

And if employers don't cough up the cash, they say, governments should.
Canada doesn't jail people for not paying stuff back either. So, it's a bit of an ideal threat. Mind you, I am fairly certain they don't mind garnishing wages, if it's a debt owed to the gouverment.
Lol if you think you can simply withhold what you owe...they will find a way to take that back. Mnistry of Transportation, Healthcare etc. etc...you will pay it one way or another...It will most likely going to be during tax refund assessment.
No timeline for federal budget amid coronavirus uncertainty, Trudeau says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is no timeline for when his government will table a federal budget because of the "extraordinary" uncertainty posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

It'll balance itself!
I read Cerb qualifications carefully. From my understanding, if you elected to take unpaid time off bec of covids impact on your life or others you know, it means you are eligible to have that time supplemented by the gouv.

Trudollas here I come!
Canada Child Benefit Increases $300 Per Child For May

Parents who receive the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) will notice an extra $300 per child on their regular May payment.

As provinces begin to reopen economies, Scheer says federal benefits deter Canadians from returning to work


Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said today that flaws in government support programs could "derail" provincial efforts to get the country's economy back on track after widespread business shutdowns driven by COVID-19.

He said the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) and the student financial aid program offer incentives for people to stay home rather than return to work.

"At a time when our economy needs stimulus, Justin Trudeau has given it a tranquilizer and risks creating labour shortages across the country. This failure must be reversed before it is too late. Canada's economic recovery depends on it," Scheer said.

Where does gobernment get its cool cash again

Any basic income for all program aims to be cost neutral with todays budgets, as a lot of current programs and their costs would be eliminated.

To all the sherbros taking the CERB who don't qualify, the one thing th eCRA is good at is getting you. There wil certainly be a penalty on top of repayment so be warned.
Any basic income for all program aims to be cost neutral with todays budgets, as a lot of current programs and their costs would be eliminated.

To all the sherbros taking the CERB who don't qualify, the one thing th eCRA is good at is getting you. There wil certainly be a penalty on top of repayment so be warned.

Pfft! Nothing will separate me from my Trudollas! Trudolla riots here we come!
I got my Trudolla bills yo!!
