The way Youtube displays search results is sneaky and underhanded


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Seriously, ever notice this?

I am a super fast paced person and they get me every time with this shit

Type in a thing like Justin Bieber falls down and it's never the first result, it's like the third result or something, the first and second are ads for something or some scheme like make $350 at home etc

And there's more, the real option I want is first for a half a second and then the fake results bump it down by three when I go to click it so I get the fake video instead with an add

Isn't this fucked?

They're tricking people and if you don't notice you are watching the wrong video you are getting bait and switched to some ad

fuckety fuck shits

Pisses me off is all

So, you're searching for Justin Bieber on YouTube?
I think I've just learned to completely ignore the first three results on a YouTube search, but yeah, it's a waste of space. I'm not clicking that shit.
I think I've just learned to completely ignore the first three results on a YouTube search, but yeah, it's a waste of space. I'm not clicking that shit.

I keep clicking on it by accident cause they move them around while I'm clicking

I click on the video I want and suddenly the page is rearranged during the click to the switched video
I think I've just learned to completely ignore the first three results on a YouTube search, but yeah, it's a waste of space. I'm not clicking that shit.

This isn't isolated to YouTube.

Google, Bing, Yahoo..,,

Search Results are big bizness
You know what else I hate?

"See how she pissed off doctors with this one trick"

"This one food may be killing you!!"

"You will never believe what she found in her basement"

Shit like this I never click, they entice you with a vague article and fuck you I won't look it up if you don't tell me up front

Our society is fucked
You know what else I hate?

"See how she pissed off doctors with this one trick"

"This one food may be killing you!!"

"You will never believe what she found in her basement"

Shit like this I never click, they entice you with a vague article and fuck you I won't look it up if you don't tell me up front

Our society is fucked

Sherdoggers hate him.
Adblock Plus is your lord and savior.

Or if you have the money you can buy YouTube plat and get rid of ads.
Seriously wtf is with people not using abp?

Well to be honest we should thank those who don't. Having a large user base who are ignorant of ad blocking add-ons is probably the reason YouTube hasn't taken more drastic measures against such add-ons.
They covered this is South Park TS, you're late to the party. The ads... they're alive

When there's an ad without a skip button.

They should rename the whole site to TheirTube or OurTube