Television THE RINGS OF POWER (Season 2 Comic-Con Trailer, post #1960)

If you have watched the entire season one of RINGS OF POWER, how do you feel about it?

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More often than not, the source material is better than whatever some random hollywood writer comes up with.

Case in point, GoT was one of the best shows ever when they were faithful to the books, but it all came crashing down when the showrunners had to write their own material.

If you wanna gamble a couple billions that your writers are better than Tolkien, be my guest. Lets see if this shit is not cancelled after yet another trash season.
I'm not arguing which is better.
Which is better doesn't mean shit to someone that hasn't read the book. And the degree in which it matters to people that have read the books is going to depend on the quality of the show and their fanaticism.

What works in books doesn't always translate over to film. It's not as simple as just transferring the book story over to film.
It's not even guaranteed that people will like it better just because it is source accurate--plenty of shitty things are popular, and plenty of good things aren't as popular as they should be.
The problem with GoT was shitty writing. It would've been better had it stuck closer to the source, but it also would've been better if it had had better writers. The latter is the more important.
There's always going to be choices that have to be made on what to cut and add when you're making adaptations anyways. Plenty of stuff in GRRM's books just wouldn't work for a 10 episode season that is meant to maximize viewership.
The simple point that you just can't wrap your mind around is that the vast majority of people do not give a shit about books/lore while they're watching TV shows and movies
I don't care if people care, I am saying stories he wrote are GOOD and they SELL GOOD, which was proven multiple times, unlike the shit Amazon came up with. Plus you get bonus sales to nerds for sticking to the lore.
How hard is that to comprehend? Can you fucking read?
I don't care if people care, I am saying stories he wrote are GOOD and they SELL GOOD, which was proven multiple times, unlike the shit Amazon came up with. Plus you get bonus sales to nerds for sticking to the lore.
How hard is that to comprehend? Can you fucking read?
lol Who the fuck is arguing against that? You're trying to argue with me on something that I never argued against.
That people that read the books like the books isn't being debated, dumb dumb.
haven't watched any episode in this new series but i hear it's even worse than the last, which is hard to do.
Started watching Rings of Power S1E1 like the first third of it. Didn't seem too bad. Surprised the girl who is the younger sis is such a badass fighter. Don't remember much of Lord of the Rings movies, so don't know if these characters are related.
I just finished up Season 2 and it is much better than the shit that Season 1 was. The first episode was boring, but it picked up as the show went on.
It still has it's share of issues, weird cuts and transitions, some corny dialogue, overdramatic acting, and actions that don't make sense, but overall, it was a decent show.
One of the bigger problems I had with season 1 is that the tone was all over the place. It felt like a show that didn't know what it wanted it to be. It's a lot more even in this season.
The other issue for me was that Galadriel and the Queen of Numerian (spelling?) were completely unlikable characters to me, and their screen time and importance this season were no where near as dominant as the last season.

Never listen to these sensitive whiners and Youtubers that feed off of them.
Normally, I would just watch a show like this like a normal person, and I would judge the show on its own merits to gauge if it is good or not.
But I go in a thread like this, see some complaints, and then I find myself looking out for "wokeisms" to see whether or not these complaints are justified or not.

For all of the bitching about an Orc family, I thought I was going to see some gay orc with a lisp leading the army or something.
That scene lasted for 2 effing seconds. Never came up again in the show. If that scene was or wasnt there, it wouldn't of changed anything.
But the point of that scene was obvious.
This whole season was about showing Sauron's powers of persuasion and manipulation. In order to do that, a mindless Orc that doesn't give a shit about its own life doesn't really help you display that power. Just judging the show on the show, they did a good job of setting up what they were aiming to show.
I can say that i'll be watching the next season.