Elections The post Roe v Wade reality for women in Texas

When I talk about lefties getting radical, this response here is exactly what I mean. What an odd thing to say about a dead baby.
Er, the odd thing in this convo is you defending charging a woman with “corpse abuse” for miscarrying into a toilet. Actually, I’m surprised she’s not being charged with witchcraft by these puritan assholes.
but republicans are for the people!
you dont know health and science, they do!

people defending and on the side of the woman not being allowed to abort - your the kind of people that makes this place worse.
Er, the odd thing in this convo is you defending charging a woman with “corpse abuse” for miscarrying into a toilet. Actually, I’m surprised she’s not being charged with witchcraft by these puritan assholes.
I'm actually defending just simply not flushing 22 week old baby fetuses down the toilet.

If you want to know how radical your side has gotten, just realize that we've switched from trying to decide which trimester abortion is should be legal to which trimester is legal to flush your fetus down the toilet. Fucking nuts that we're even having this conversation. Not a single one of you is even taking into account the fact that this is a little tiny baby around the size of your hand and not some clump of cells or puddle of blood.
22 weeks is literally in the article he posted in the post I responded to. I'm sorry if that is inconvenient to you. The truth is not drivel.

What's that got to do with me or what I said?
What's that got to do with me or what I said?

Sinister responded to me and you responded to his response with the comment about raising "our boys to be super confident in their trifling opinions in matters about which they know nothing".

I took it as a passive aggressive swipe at me by saying I'm confident in my opinion about the matter in which I know nothing. If that's not what you meant, then I apologize. What did you mean by that then?
Sinister responded to me and you responded to his response with the comment about raising "our boys to be super confident in their trifling opinions in matters about which they know nothing".

I took it as a passive aggressive swipe at me by saying I'm confident in my opinion about the matter in which I know nothing. If that's not what you meant, then I apologize. What did you mean by that then?

I mean men are so dumb they think they're genuinely supposed to dictate to women (or others) what is right or wrong.

Pure entitlement.
I mean men are so dumb they think they're genuinely supposed to dictate to women (or others) what is right or wrong.

Pure entitlement.

Ok so I was right, it was a passive aggressive jab at me. I'm the uninformed one when you didn't even realize you were the one defending flushing a 22 week old fetus down the toilet. Who is uninformed again?

Your logic makes no sense. You have to be a woman to know what is morally right or wrong when it comes to women? We're talking about human rights here. Yes a man is allowed to put value on a baby fetus.

Tell me, which week during pregnancy should be the cut off point for a woman to be able to flush her fetus down the toilet? I bet you'll avoid answering that one but you seem to be willing to defend the right to do it.

It actually looks like a fetus?

Week 22​

Baby: Your baby's muscles are getting stronger every week now, and the eyelids and eyebrows are developed. Hair is also visible. Your baby moves a lot and responds to sound, rhythm, and melody. If you sing and talk to your baby now, those sounds may later soothe your newborn. If your baby is a girl, their ovaries have already formed. From head to heel, your baby is as long as an ear of corn -- 11 inches.
Ok so I was right, it was a passive aggressive jab at me.

Haha, what?

It was a passive aggressive jab at a moronic patriarchy that genuinely believes it has the answer to everything.
I mean men are so dumb they think they're genuinely supposed to dictate to women (or others) what is right or wrong.

Pure entitlement.

Men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion because they're men? So women get to dictate what happens to the man's child? Sounds just as strange to me. Maybe both men and women can have valid opinions on the matter.
Men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion because they're men? So women get to dictate what happens to the man's child? Sounds just as strange to me. Maybe both men and women can have valid opinions on the matter.

There's a difference between "having an opinion" as part of a debate, and watching a minority of jumped up custards dominating the debate with assumed superiority.

Why don't we all just let every person in the US, man or woman, vote on the terms for a legal abortion?
There's a difference between "having an opinion" as part of a debate, and watching a minority of jumped up custards dominating the debate with assumed superiority.

Why don't we all just let every person in the US, man or woman, vote on the terms for a legal abortion?

Not a big fan of referenda myself. The person asking the question gets way too much power in a debate like this because it's not a black and white question.

Unless you want everybody to get a question list of all kinds of scenarios like rape, danger to the life of the mother, using it loosely as contraception etc. Then there's also the cutoff limit, which might differ per situation also.

In an ideal world the two sides would just get a bipartisan bill through that has a reasonable time limit somewhere around 14-16 weeks and the OBVIOUS exceptions like when the health of the mother is in danger or the case in this thread where the fetus isn't viable.
I'm actually defending just simply not flushing 22 week old baby fetuses down the toilet.

If you want to know how radical your side has gotten, just realize that we've switched from trying to decide which trimester abortion is should be legal to which trimester is legal to flush your fetus down the toilet. Fucking nuts that we're even having this conversation. Not a single one of you is even taking into account the fact that this is a little tiny baby around the size of your hand and not some clump of cells or puddle of blood.
My bad, I should have asked. What do you suggest people do with their miscarried fetuses to avoid prison?
Men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion because they're men? So women get to dictate what happens to the man's child? Sounds just as strange to me. Maybe both men and women can have valid opinions on the matter.

Men can have an opinion. That opinion cannot be that women are livestock.
Men can have an opinion. That opinion cannot be that women are livestock.

It's weird that "men shouldn't dictate" equated to "men aren't allowed an opinion at all" lol

As you say, men can have an opinion. They just shouldn't dictate to women on matters that affect them.

Just as women shouldn't legislate that all men have a mandatory vasectomy at age 40.

Hands off our ball sacks, ladies.

Hands off their wombs, guys.
Ok so I was right, it was a passive aggressive jab at me. I'm the uninformed one when you didn't even realize you were the one defending flushing a 22 week old fetus down the toilet. Who is uninformed again?

Your logic makes no sense. You have to be a woman to know what is morally right or wrong when it comes to women? We're talking about human rights here. Yes a man is allowed to put value on a baby fetus.

Tell me, which week during pregnancy should be the cut off point for a woman to be able to flush her fetus down the toilet? I bet you'll avoid answering that one but you seem to be willing to defend the right to do it.

Week 22​

Baby: Your baby's muscles are getting stronger every week now, and the eyelids and eyebrows are developed. Hair is also visible. Your baby moves a lot and responds to sound, rhythm, and melody. If you sing and talk to your baby now, those sounds may later soothe your newborn. If your baby is a girl, their ovaries have already formed. From head to heel, your baby is as long as an ear of corn -- 11 inches.

Lol, you keep attempting to refer to us as "radical" and yet you side with people who push a "life begins at conception" ideology, who also make efforts to have the State monitor women's menstrual cycles which has no other real utility EXCEPT to charge women for miscarriages. You side with all of the population zealots, the billionaires who view the working class as assets they are going to lack to keep their fortunes flowing in the future. Spare me your nobility act. There is NOTHING noble about prosecuting women for miscarriages, not because of flushing a toilet, absolutely nothing. This isnt about the "pro life" bullsh*t because its regarding an already dead fetus, same as Ken Paxton literally threatening a woman who has a dead fetus inside her for wanting it out because under NO circumstances can a woman, her husband, and qualified medical professionals make this decision for themselves. You are advocating interventionism, state control of births, and calling people who disagree with this "radical."
because of this miscarriage of justice, the woman will be having her abortion out of state.

it's very telling that they won't allow her to abort a non-viable fetus AND it's putting her life at risk as well as her chance to birth future children. so much for the pro-life party.
Men can have an opinion. That opinion cannot be that women are livestock.

Are you trying to compare putting sensible restrictions on abortion with treating women as livestock? That's a weird one, never heard that one before.

It's weird that "men shouldn't dictate" equated to "men aren't allowed an opinion at all" lol

As you say, men can have an opinion. They just shouldn't dictate to women on matters that affect them.

Just as women shouldn't legislate that all men have a mandatory vasectomy at age 40.

Hands off our ball sacks, ladies.

Hands off their wombs, guys.

It's a matter that also affects me as a father so your point is moot. Women shouldn't be able to dictate anything regarding abortion following that same logic.

Of course, as many people think, we're dealing with human life here. Many people believe it's murder, so this argument goes out of the window even quicker. Because by that logic you can't judge somebody for killing her own mother or sister and they shouldn't be punished.