The original Jon Jones...

the ambush

Gold Belt
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
The original version of Jon Jones was a pioneer by the name of Gary Goodridge. I was thinking this when watching Goodridge’s debut fight where he crucifixed a fighter on the mat holding his arms and simultaneously elbowing the fighter. Much respect given to the Big Daddy, the first Jon Jones.
The original version of Jon Jones was a pioneer by the name of Gary Goodridge. I was thinking this when watching Goodridge’s debut fight where he crucifixed a fighter on the mat holding his arms and simultaneously elbowing the the fighter. Much respect given to the Big Daddy, the first Jon Jones.



I get it.

Because they both have more melanin in their skin than you.

Cool story.
Didn’t realize that Jones came from an arm wrestling background .
Sure why not..?
The original version of Jon Jones was a pioneer by the name of Gary Goodridge. I was thinking this when watching Goodridge’s debut fight where he crucifixed a fighter on the mat holding his arms and simultaneously elbowing the fighter. Much respect given to the Big Daddy, the first Jon Jones.
In terms of greatness .....
History tends to repeat itself in cycles, even in MMA.

Kinda funny how my brain works sometimes. First thing that came to my mind was "PED cycles".

So you def. have a point here: both of them motherfuckers were on the juice.
6'3 is pretty manlet to jones 6'4

Edit: also i meant he was a less skilled, fat, and shorter version of jones. Not just short in general...
I was actually joking. I was hi-lighting how much I agree with the "less skilled, fat,..." portion of your comment.
It's like the old joke where the woman goes to the doctor and tells him that she looks old, fat, and tired, and the doctor tells her the good news, "There is nothing wrong with your eyes."
I was actually joking. I was hi-lighting how much I agree with the "less skilled, fat,..." portion of your comment.
It's like the old joke where the woman goes to the doctor and tells him that she looks old, fat, and tired, and the doctor tells her the good news, "There is nothing wrong with your eyes."

Aah gotcha. Im too use to "anti-trolling" spacetime. Gotta let people make jokes <45>for some reason i was waiting to read the joke about the clown pagliacci