The New Era of post-TUF Noobs


Purple Belt
Jun 29, 2010
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The new noob ("Newb"?) is someone who hasn't been around enough to have a chance to watch "The Ultimate Figher" and to get the put down "TUF Noob". "TUF Noobs": You are now Old Noobs and I hereby promote you all one step up on the food chain. You are now somewhere above pond scum, Conor McGregor fans and the like.
What about the people who followed Bork Laser from WWF into UFC? Where are they on this hierarchy?
What about the people who followed Bork Laser from WWF into UFC? Where are they on this hierarchy?

Never really thought about it but I'll pretend that I did and say that they fit into the category that goes "and the like".
My kid wanted to learn how to box.
So I got A couple of bags and a rope and started training him.
The kid in the neighborhood didn't mind his business and asked
his father to train him. So he did. The kid wanted to meet for a
competition. We set it up and I told him. I never expected this
and that's when I beat up his father.
Kraut boy
Box heads friend
little orphan any gang
judges daughterssss gang
pablo escobar family

understanding how retards operate the police station
The word of the day is Infiltrate boys and girls.

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.)
surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to
acquire secret information.

How did you get that job? I hired a lawyer.
Why did you do that? Because of my family
history. You see that's me.