The Myth of the Aerobic System. Everyone has it all wrong.

I must hear Mach speak. I want to hear him say, "Fuck dog" or something similar.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if he made Condo take the picture, that makes sense. He says dog all the time at the end of half his sentences in english, and yes it is funny. When he first came to the US years ago we taught him "I'm Rick James bitch" and everytime we went to a restaurant to eat that's what he'd say to the waiter.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if he made Condo take the picture, that makes sense. He says dog all the time at the end of half his sentences in english, and yes it is funny. When he first came to the US years ago we taught him "I'm Rick James bitch" and everytime we went to a restaurant to eat that's what he'd say to the waiter.

Too damn funny!
I would say I throw them over and over again on a heavy bag or on mitts

Is that technique though?

Maximaly force contraction (ie power development) can only be trained for so long. Being able to punch for 20 minutes means you're downgrading the power element.
"Is that technique though?

Maximaly force contraction (ie power development) can only be trained for so long. Being able to punch for 20 minutes means you're downgrading the power element."

Even punching for 20-30 seconds is downgrading the power element in reality. To increase maximum power you have to essentially increase the maximum rate of ATP regeneration through the breakdown of phosphcreatine and increase the neural drive from the central nervous system itself. The most effective way to do this is of course to use 100% intensity and maximum power output for very short periods of time with full recovery in between.

Generally, you'll only want to do 7-10 seconds of maximum work at a time, anything longer than that and you're not really working on maximum power but rather power-endurance. Not that power endurance isn't important, but it's not the same thing as maximum power.
"Is that technique though?

Maximaly force contraction (ie power development) can only be trained for so long. Being able to punch for 20 minutes means you're downgrading the power element."

Even punching for 20-30 seconds is downgrading the power element in reality. To increase maximum power you have to essentially increase the maximum rate of ATP regeneration through the breakdown of phosphcreatine and increase the neural drive from the central nervous system itself. The most effective way to do this is of course to use 100% intensity and maximum power output for very short periods of time with full recovery in between.

Generally, you'll only want to do 7-10 seconds of maximum work at a time, anything longer than that and you're not really working on maximum power but rather power-endurance. Not that power endurance isn't important, but it's not the same thing as maximum power.
What he said
BTW Ian, do you know Paul Merchant and the London Thai Fighters?
great thread guys ... so much good information ... i completly agree with eza about needing to incorporate longer endurance work with high intensity to get the best results ... to many people throwing away lsd and only doing hiit .. i dont know alot about the science of things but have allways believed in it's importance through personal results ... anyway keep it up id like to learn more ..... id also like to hear some examples of good cardio routines from eza .. i know you say every fighter is different and has different needs ... but just some basic routines that would be a good base to make sure one is training all aspects of the different systems .. even an example of one of your fighters routines ...
Afraid not. Why do you ask?

Given you are from London and do Muay Thai I thought you probably knew them.
It`s a small team. Before I left the main fighters were Dorian "the Dog" O`Malley and me (I said it was small).
This is basically just a rant, but I'm sick of reading all this nonsense that MMA is a predominantly anaerobic sport. There are so many articles these days floating around out there claiming you need to rely on lactic system for MMA and the aerobic system is overrated. Anyone who is making that claim is dead wrong and doesn't know what they are talking about!

Also, the idea that the aerobic system doesn't contribute to energy production for the first 1-2 minutes of exercise is completely false. Even at 100% execise intensity, in as little as 30 seconds the latest research has shown it is contributing up to 50% of the total ATP being regenerated. After that it obviously goes up to an even higher percentage.

People also need to realize that when the lactic system is working it inherently means that the aerobic system is working at 100% of its capacity. It doesn't stop working just because lactic metabolism is also contributing.

Fighting is an AEROBIC-ALACTIC sport and the aerobic system contributes by far the majority of ATP out of the three systems, especially as the fight wears on. Relying on anaerobic glycolysis for energy production is a sure fire way to gas yourself out in the first round. The more ATP you can regenerate Aerobically and the less you have to rely on the lactic and alactic systems the better.

People seriously need to stop with this idea that fighting is predominantly anaerobic because it is not. Sports like weightlifting, powerlifting, field events, 100 and 400m sprints, etc. are predominantly anaerobic, MMA is not. Also, both of the anaerobic systems are largely influenced and limited by genetics. Neither the lactic or alactic have a very large margin for improvement, it is the aerobic system that has tremendous ability to adapt and increase how much power it can generate.

Don't believe everything you read and do some research. MMA is an aerobic sport, plain and simple.

MMA isn't aerobics; it's fighting.
On this very forum I used to argue against aerobic training for fighting and felt at the time my prior aerobic training and my poor conditioning performances while training was proof of that. After I started doing aerobic training that EZA perscribes I have found my conditioning to have greatly improved recently despite the fact my anaerobic conditioning has gone down due to mental burnout. I wouldn't say my max output is better but my recovery certainly is and I don't walk around during rest breaks and after class like a zombie.

what type of aerobic does EZA prescribe? Just typical, LSD? I am going to add some aerobic work starting on Monday, probably just a 2-3 mile jog twice a week. Any other recommendations?
what type of aerobic does EZA prescribe? Just typical, LSD? I am going to add some aerobic work starting on Monday, probably just a 2-3 mile jog twice a week. Any other recommendations?

How good are you at reading?