The Majority of Americans Have Very Reasonable Abortion Views


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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A recent Gallup poll confirms:

60% of Americans feel abortion should be legal during the first trimester.

This number plummets to only 28% who feel abortion should be legal during the second trimester.

Just 13% of Americans-- a tiny minority-- feel that abortion should continue to be legal in the third trimester.

83% of Americans support abortion in the first trimester if the mother's life is in danger. 77% support abortion in the first trimester for cases of rape.

Interestingly, there was no statistical difference between men and women in overall support of abortions-- except that men were about 5% more likely to support late stage abortions.

This poll shows that public opinion on abortion has remained stable over time. It has a 4 pt margin of error.

My takeaways:
  • The "pro life" vs. "pro choice" terms that this debate usually gets framed under do not adequately reflect the feelings of 60%+ Americans.
  • I'm comforted in the fact that most Americans are not hardliners on this issue.
  • The 13% who support third trimester abortion for any reason should get together with the 17% who don't support first trimester abortion even when the mother's life is in danger. These two groups should move to an island somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.
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Lol @ 23% of people who want to force women to carry rape babies. Way too many nutjobs for my liking.
It seems simple to me

First trimester or if there are going to be major birth defects/ danger to the mother

anything that isnt that is barbaric or unreasonable

I always figured most americans were mostly alright with it and just dont find it to be a pleasant talk to have with company
Lol @ 23% of people who want to force women to carry rape babies. Way too many nutjobs for my liking.

I think we call that 20 percent evangelicals and they think all kinds of unreasonable things.

The words 'im a christian" usually precede moral judgements and folks tellin you how you outta be livin
If men could get prego, abortions would be available at 7-11.
Lol @ 23% of people who want to force women to carry rape babies. Way too many nutjobs for my liking.
This is my problem with the extreme pro-life position.

Say an 11 year old girl gets raped and the resultant pregnancy not only has severe defects but it is a danger to her life.

You are really going to force this child to carry a baby through a terribly difficult pregnancy to a delivery in which she will likely die?

Then what happens? You shrug your shoulders and say, "Eh, God's will"?

On the other hand, I find it repugnant to think that a healthy woman could carry a baby for seven months, then just have second thoughts and blender it up.

But I don't find the two above scenarios equally repugnant. I find the first more repugnant than the second.
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13% is not a tiny tiny minority. That's the size of the entire black population.

Because 83% support 1st trimester abortion when the mother's life is in danger, that doesn't necessarily mean that 17% are against it. There's usually some kind of "undecided" option. However many do actively oppose it are wrong. Even if you view abortion as murder, which I sort of do, that would still be killing in self defense. The rape pregnancies are negligible, I think it's under 1%, but in those cases, it should be mandatory that it's accompanied by a police report and ideally a morning after pill rather than waiting for the pregnancy.

There's also another large component to it, and that is whether or not it should be subsidized with tax dollars. I don't know if that would sway too many of the people polled, but it does make a difference.
One day in the future they'll be able to maintain a fetus outside the womb and that's when the real fun starts
since the religious right has lost much of it's power, It still surprises me that more GOP supporters aren't FOR ABORTION.....

it's simple math, the more abortions a society has, the less kids born to parents that can't support them and thus will be mooching off taxpayers....

pay once, or every month for years?
  • The Right-Wing "Pro-Lifers" unfairly stereotype the mainstream position as "pro-abortion"-- only 13% of Americans support abortion under any circumstance.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, you're post was shockingly not a dishonest sh*t post right up until you got to right there....
  • The Right-Wing "Pro-Lifers" unfairly stereotype the mainstream position as "pro-abortion"-- only 13% of Americans support abortion under any circumstance.

The "mainstream position" does not equate to the mainstream media narrative.
I think we call that 20 percent evangelicals and they think all kinds of unreasonable things.

The words 'im a christian" usually precede moral judgements and folks tellin you how you outta be livin
To be clear their position is we should let that baby live. That’s what we’re calling them assholes for.

On the scale of one to hitler I give it a banana
I just plain don’t give a shit. The government has no buisiness in peoples reproductive rights.

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