Two threads about where MMA/UFC is heading towards AS A SPORT (I don't care about the business thing) have all derailed into... NBA topics, because that's the closest analogy that came across.
As this is not the Real GM NBA Board, I'm oversimplyfing a lot to get to the point:
Some dudes (D'Antoni, i.e.) realized that if their players improved just slightly his effectivity shooting 3s, they will outscore the other team most of the times.
And then comes the butterfly effect of playing with the intention of increasing the volume of 3s:
Possessions per game escalate. Higher pace. The court widens. (...)
Most of you being from the US, even if not huge fans of basketball, seem knowledgeable enough to know pretty well the huge transformation the game has gone through as a cascade of implications from a single change: going for the "7 seconds or less" 3 shot.
So I find interesting to speculate what could be that apparently minor rule change, or new approach to fighting, that could potentially shake everything.
And I'm just raising this topic to you because it's a somewhat a recurrent conversation with some of my pals, but we're not getting anywhere TBH.
Maybe I find most of the fighters show a big gap in G'n'P and clinch level in relation to the rest of their abilities, potentially fight ending moves with room to improve.
As this is not the Real GM NBA Board, I'm oversimplyfing a lot to get to the point:
Some dudes (D'Antoni, i.e.) realized that if their players improved just slightly his effectivity shooting 3s, they will outscore the other team most of the times.
And then comes the butterfly effect of playing with the intention of increasing the volume of 3s:
Possessions per game escalate. Higher pace. The court widens. (...)
Most of you being from the US, even if not huge fans of basketball, seem knowledgeable enough to know pretty well the huge transformation the game has gone through as a cascade of implications from a single change: going for the "7 seconds or less" 3 shot.
So I find interesting to speculate what could be that apparently minor rule change, or new approach to fighting, that could potentially shake everything.
And I'm just raising this topic to you because it's a somewhat a recurrent conversation with some of my pals, but we're not getting anywhere TBH.
Maybe I find most of the fighters show a big gap in G'n'P and clinch level in relation to the rest of their abilities, potentially fight ending moves with room to improve.