The "humans are a result of a chimp banging a pig" theory.

Then he knows full well it's not biologically possible and he's trolling morons on the internet. Its either that, or he's full of shit and just another moron on the internet.

The actually made a human pig hybrid in a lab.

Theory only a moron would even so much as contemplate.
What if that moron was born out of a pig-monkey sex experiment?
Have you considered that?!!!
Just so we are all on the same page, Dr. Eugene M. McCarthy does not believe in evolution, nor natural selection. He has his own theory.

His theory includes dinosaurs being mammals, and armadillos descending from ankylosaurus because he believes they look similar. He also believes in human-goat hybrids, cat-rabbit hybrids, and various other things.

His theory has no genomic evidence at all.
His theory includes dinosaurs being mammals, and armadillos descending from ankylosaurus because he believes they look similar. He also believes in human-goat hybrids, cat-rabbit hybrids, and various other things.

Well, maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they do with reptiles. Look at the pubic bone: turned backward, just like a bird. Look at the vertebrae: full of airsacs and hollows, just like a bird. And even the word 'raptor' means 'bird of prey.'
Well, maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they do with reptiles. Look at the pubic bone: turned backward, just like a bird. Look at the vertebrae: full of airsacs and hollows, just like a bird. And even the word 'raptor' means 'bird of prey.'

But he doesn't advocate dinosaurs being Avian, he claims they were Mammals.

Also, don't all mainstream evolutionary biologist advocate modern avians as direct evolutionary products of dinosaurs?
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The actually made a human pig hybrid in a lab.

That's hardly the same thing as natural breeding between two entirely separate species.
Well according to the article linked he is a scientist, a geneticist from the University of Georgia and one of the world's leading authorities on hybridisation in animals

I'm just saying
Well admittedly i didn't click the link until you pointed this out.

But after wasting my time reading this garbage, here is the only part you need to know:

Another possibility that McCarthy does not recommend, but which several scientists have suggested to him, is producing an actual hybrid. He objects to this approach, not on scientific, but humanitarian grounds. After all, he says, such an experiment might result in an intelligent but non-human creature, much more piglike than any human being, who would have no happy place in our world. He in fact includes such a hybrid, an F1 female, as one of the major characters in The Department, his kindle book satire of academic life. In it he observes, "I hope never to meet her in the flesh." You can see McCarthy address some of the issues raised above in greater depth in a podcast that has just been released.

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