The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Mahatma Gandhi

Bullfighting is absolutely retarded. At least once in a while the bulls end up destroying one of the idiotic participants.
Bullfighting should be abolished in all the places it is still practiced.
Well, I don't know how that quote holds up today when you consider what Ghandi thought of africans.

Gandhi was just a man. He had his virtues, and his deep flaws.
So much better to eat bulls as veals after a brief confined existence of 4 months instead.

So much better to eat bulls as veals after a brief confined existence of 4 months instead.

That's what sucks. I love veal and steak, but a friend showed me some videos of how these animals get treated and it was just pathetic. I was literally holding back tears. I will not post, but for those who like to be shocked beyond belief, I am sure you can find them.
Bullfighting is absolutely retarded. At least once in a while the bulls end up destroying one of the idiotic participants.
Rule should be if the bull wins, he goes free. They actually just bring out another matador to finish the job.
I still root for the bull though...
Well, I don't know how that quote holds up today when you consider what Ghandi thought of africans.

I don't see how any of that negates the meaning behind the statement.

Some of the dudes who crafted America's constitution held slaves, does that mean it no longer holds up as well?

Bull-fighting is pretty silly and it's funny to think that public outrage over bull-fighting led to the Pope banning the practise about 500 years ago.
I mean we’re talking about the difference between a publicly celebrated event vs big business maximizing profits out of sight, doing things most Americans are not aware of.

Yet the title talks about nations, not events or acts.
I mean we’re talking about the difference between a publicly celebrated event vs big business maximizing profits out of sight, doing things most Americans are not aware of.

Hes trying to defend, trying to counter argue.
Scary mentality
I don't see how any of that negates the meaning behind the statement.


The quote implies that the treatment of animals correlates with how people treat each other. What i am saying is that Ghandi had no issues with the poor treatment of africans.