The Great Convergence or our Time. -40F/C looms

How do the beers not freeze? I know alcohol doesn't freeze but beer doesn't have enough ABV to be freeze-proof.

I've had beer freeze and explode (into slush) in my backpack while travelling between parties on a cold winter night.
Good to know.

I lived in upstate NY for a little over a year and the coldest I went out in was about -25F. In my limited experienced, everything below 0F felt basically the same. The only difference for me was how quickly my face got numb and how quickly it got tingly after that.

When you close your eyes and there's resistance when you open them because your eyelashes are freezing together, that's my measure of 'really fucking cold'.
Note the temperature on my car thermometer this morning


-40C... Now can we get that in AMERICAN, please? Ty
I'm in Edmonton, its cold. I don't ever remember it being this cold before, my car read -38 without a windchill. We usually get a few days in the -30's every winter but that's WITH the windchill factored it. There's no wind its is just dead cold today and yesterday, after a minute outside whatever isn't covered stats to hurt. (fingers, face, eyes)

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