International The French Olympics opening ceremony... Ok That was Strange..

For the left these days everything is to be politicized. In the past opening ceremonies were more non political, more about entertainment. Todays left believes different. They want to try and make a political statement with everything and anything. The left in general doesn't care much for Christians. I have my doubts that seeing men dancing in female clothing and makeup is what many find entertaining today and in the future but who knows. The Paris opening ceremonies this year will likely be remembered though.

I was kind of joking to myself, maybe this is France's efforts to try and slow down the mass illegal immigration from N. African countries to Europe.
I think the Ancient Greeks would be proud. They are staying on brand.

I don't get why people are so bent out of shape. You guys should go read what they were doing when the Greeks ruled the world. This shit is no weirder.

This was just some weirdos playing dress up and trying to be controversial.
You are incorrect. There are disputes about if homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece because many of their comedies would be considered homophobic by todays standards. Homosexuality is not described in the Odyssey, the Iliad Hellenistic poetry and other types of stories.

They even brought out a Horse.
Images of Children in Tunnels?

This was creepy.

Pale white horse that death himself rode for the apocalypse. Probably a show of force from Macron and the socialists that coordinated last minute to stop the nationalist from being able to save their country.

Basically saying, “enjoy being pillaged and raped to death by the hordes we let invade your neighborhoods”
Yeah okay. France is fucking done isn't it. Put a fork in it. The Olympics ceremony is usually huge news and I didn't even remember about it until today. What in the flying fuck is that? This society is Circling the drain. All great civilisations fell. We're going there too.
You are incorrect. There are disputes about if homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece because many of their comedies would be considered homophobic by today’s standards. Homosexuality is not described in the Odyssey, the Iliad Hellenistic poetry and other types of stories.
They didn’t over celebrate the gay stuff they just did it, they didn’t make up genders and make it a spectacle. Kids watch the Olympics they don’t see that sexualized crap. The over celebration is disgusting
You guys are fools for watching it but now now even if not watch they hooked people on social media or just open phone or laptop and you will see it.

Lol at European gay fetish. America would never smh
Hilarious part is watching it i was like "what is this weird shit?" and then i thought if i became too much a sherdogger

Then my lefty girlfriend is like "eh it's bit exagerate"

Then whatsapp office chat was like "what is ths shit lol" and we started question if they was trying out-weird the eurovision lmao
I don't
You are incorrect. There are disputes about if homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece because many of their comedies would be considered homophobic by todays standards. Homosexuality is not described in the Odyssey, the Iliad Hellenistic poetry and other types of stories.
Are you serious?

You said I'm incorrect then you said that it's up for debate. You can't even make up your own mind. Using two works of fiction as your source is absolute nonsense.

I was specifically talking about the weird shit that happened during the Olympics and you jumped in to try to trash gay people.

Careful now. Your homophobia is showing.
Imagine insulting Islam like that?

Well we saw what happened to the newspaper when they tried that imagine doing it on a mass scale?

Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet of Allah/god so it should be insulting to them as well I suppose.

Regardless, I didn't see it live but it looked hilarious and absurd. I'll watch the sporting events, don't really see why people care so much about the "opening ceremony".
I don't

Are you serious?

You said I'm incorrect then you said that it's up for debate. You can't even make up your own mind. Using two works of fiction as your source is absolute nonsense.

I was specifically talking about the weird shit that happened during the Olympics and you jumped in to try to trash gay people.

Careful now. Your homophobia is showing.
The people pushing ancient Greece was a pro homosexual have an agenda similar to what Jada Pinkett Smith did with her Cleopatra documentary. Ancient Greeks acknowledged homosexuality but didn't celebrate like people think because men were expected to start families and Greeks mocked Persians by calling them homos.
If you look on the FBI's known pedo symbols, there's a double-walled heart which is used by pedos who specifically like girls. This symbol showed up all over the place. It was on the acrobat's costumes, the acrobats on stilts waved flags with this heart, it was everywhere on the costumes of the people in the ménage à trois scène, etc. Insane. This in parallel with Olympics that has a "love" theme brings the creep to another level. Even if we assumed this were an honest mistake for the benefit of the blue-pilled among us, it's a massive fuck-up to use a symbol with such negative connotation and proudly plaster it everywhere.
Where's an example of the symbol being used during the Olympic ceremony?
Why is everyone shocked? This has been the norm for France since like forever. It’s the gayest place on Earth. Always has been.


They've at least had some tact to keep it toned down in the past when company was coming over lol....