The Faceless vs Clarence Kennedy?


Aug 9, 2013
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I didn't know this guy was an actual powerlifter cause, a lot of the dudes that compete in strength wars - well, strong of course but, not olympic level.

But apparently this dude the Faceless - is?

Said he challenged Clarence Kennedy?
Who is legitimately world class.

Would be fun to see Kennedy on strength wars.

Faceless wins in Strength Wars

Clarence wins in weightlifting
Clarence is the strongest vegan anime nerd in the world.
Here's Faceless squating 320 kgs - 20 kgs higher than Kenndy's record I believe?

The Faceless without his mask, he kind of looks like "Machine" from 8 mm.

You know the porno S and M dude?
Here's Faceless squating 320 kgs - 20 kgs higher than Kenndy's record I believe?

Think so. Although Clarence's squat is a good bit deeper and paused at the bottom. IMO he keeps his form better on the way up too.
Think so. Although Clarence's squat is a good bit deeper and paused at the bottom. IMO he keeps his form better on the way up too.
So does Sebastian when the weight is a little lighter. His form is outstanding. Clarence has beautiful technique though. Very much higher level.
So does Sebastian when the weight is a little lighter. His form is outstanding. Clarence has beautiful technique though. Very much higher level.

Sebastian is the Faceless guy?

I am not much of a judge of these things... I guess what I was saying is that they seem to be in the same ball park as far as the squat goes, but that the Faceless guy is pushing it more in various ways- a bit closer to actually failing, cutting the depth off a bit more. As such, I think it's hard to say that the Faceless guy is stronger for sure. Still, I've learned over the years that I know nothing about lifting, so.

I couldn't really say whether one high level lifter has better squatting technique than another, but I can watch videos of Clarence squatting over and over.
Thing is that Strenght Wars is also a Condition Wars. Different thing to compare max weight lift when they are doing 10, 15 or even 20th reps per exercise.

BTW...just to get into the squat discussion this has to be the ost impressive squat Ive ever seen.
At 3:05 Faceless calls out Clarence, NinjaTyler (Turtle), and.... Brad Castleberry lol

my god that presenter makes me cringe so bad
@woloo do you have any Mahailya Reeves squat footage you could contribute? I am sure it would impress.
Here's Faceless squating 320 kgs - 20 kgs higher than Kenndy's record I believe?

I don't know what more impressive, the lift or the fact that he's going for 1RM PRs with the shitty club song blaring.