The Demise of Your Relationships


Jan 9, 2013
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How did your most significant relationships end?
It can be with a lover, friend or family member.

Would you have done anything different to change the outcome? If so, what?
Sometimes people just change. I took an opportunity because the grass was greener. It didn't work out and I payed for it.

Would I change it? No because it wouldn't have worked out anyways.
TS don't ask questions like this with out providing and answer its horrible internet etiquette and shitty etiquette in real life to ask this question with out providing an answer.

Ill have to think of mine, but will reply later on gots to get to bed.
She left me for some asswipe dimebag pot dealer with a forrest green 1999 Mustang.

He's dead and she's got 3 kids, so I win.

Stupid bitch.

I swear I'm not bitter.
Never had to go thro it thankfully touch wood
Mine keep going well after 7+2 years :icon_chee

She left me for some asswipe dimebag pot dealer with a forrest green 1999 Mustang.

He's dead and she's got 3 kids, so I win.

Stupid bitch.

I swear I'm not bitter.

:icon_chee real verbally abusive...the final straw was me attempting to grab her necklace with two hands...ended up breaking a bunch of shit and messing her house up...
My longest has ended because Im a dick sometimes and want shit my way plus I used to a jealous dick when I was a kid. She also had a friend with a STD who hated me and started hanging out with said skank and became distant. Fucked me up for a minute, but I aint no punk like some dudes who cant get over a chick.

Rrecent girl of 3 years on and off shes being a dumb trick even though I be supporting her ass. I aint jealous no more and always no Im gonna come out on top so girls can do what they want.
My longest has ended because Im a dick sometimes and want shit my way plus I used to a jealous dick when I was a kid. She also had a friend with a STD who hated me and started hanging out with said skank and became distant. Fucked me up for a minute, but I aint no punk like some dudes who cant get over a chick.

Rrecent girl of 3 years on and off shes being a dumb trick even though I be supporting her ass. I aint jealous no more and always no Im gonna come out on top so girls can do what they want.

You go girl :icon_lol:
Recent ex ended our relationship because she thinks she is pregnant and said it's to stressful to be in a relationship while dealing with thinking she is pregnant. Praying she is not so I can move on from this shit but in a sick way I'm hoping she is because I want to save things.. I love her and have been severely depressed for the past few days over this :/
Recent ex ended our relationship because she thinks she is pregnant and said it's to stressful to be in a relationship while dealing with thinking she is pregnant. Praying she is not so I can move on from this shit but in a sick way I'm hoping she is because I want to save things.. I love her and have been severely depressed for the past few days over this :/

What the fuck man you with my girl, because Im hearing the same shit right now kind of. She might be pregnant and is acting dumb as shit starting fights being stressed as hell and stuff. Im stressed to,but I aint got no worries if shes pregnant Ill be kind of happy. Im getting old(26) and kind of want a kid plus I can support it so what would be the problem. The problem to me is she wants me to go spend my cheese on the prego test and I said FUCK THAT i support your ass enough, I aint gonna go drop a dime on a test.
Got caught flirting with other girls...but she came back, only break up story I have lol...I admit, not very interesting.

...Even when we were broken up, she still wanted my D (fwb) it made it easy to get back together with her.
Well, she kinda found an older more mature guy. The relationship was essentially over for a long time before that though.

Edit, I should mention that I'm married to a different girl now. Still not very mature though.
Love had found me, my path arrived
loss of virginity, replaced for an older guy
I did not drive; he charioted her in a mercedes and snorted coke
I was nicer but helplessly broke
Her love twin daggers, one through my heart - one through my spine
Didn't see it coming, blinded were my eyes
Years passed, tears in my heart turn to stone
grown cold, still a question unknown
never to be answerd, love astray
she just got married, fuck it, dusk turns to day
1. grew apart / started too young
2. university in different cities, was just too hard
3. she was 8yrs younger, clicked in bed - but not outside it. sad.
4. i was a dick
5. current one, not looking too bad :p
I had a good friendship end about a year ago.
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