The Breakfast Club (John Bender)

My sister dated a "John Bender". My sister was four years older than me, and he was the same age. He was in my 7th grade homeroom. Dude ended up getting hit by car when he ran out of a tree line and onto the road. Some homeowner caught him trying to steal a bike on their property and chased him off.

My sister had a VHS of his funeral. It was pretty classic. My sister was wearing this trashy miniskirt with 80's mall hair. There were all these headbangers with concert shirts and jean jackets with backpatches. You could hear the deceased's mother with her cigarette coughing, all throughout the service. Someone had a boombox and played Slayer. They were slowly banging their heads, because it was a solemn occasion. My sister did this corny "Ah luuuuve you, babe!". Someone put a bottle of Jack Daniels on his coffin with cheers from the crowd.

I really wish I could have made a copy of it.

Sounds like a scene from Family Guy.

Did your sister ever wise up, or did she permanently gravitate to trash?
If the guy is such a badass, why does he even attend school and certainly why would he attend Saturday Detentions?

What's the worse that can happen if he doesn't show for detention?

Its crazy how accurate Breakfast Club is with this Bender character, almost every single high school had a Jonathan Bender, my school had a few of them. I went to two different high schools and we had a Bender, one of them was in my theater class looked, like him, talked like him, same swag, attitude, smoked pot, an was always blunt, he even made out with the goody two shoes white girl in my class we caught them french kissing in the editing room.

I seen him on the facebook page for my high school alumni he is late 30s now and looks nothing like he did in high school and he is a real estate broker or something, the guy went from long hair pretty boy grunge rock dude, to a bloated big bell balding guy with a fat face and double chin.
If the guy is such a badass, why does he even attend school and certainly why would he attend Saturday Detentions?

What's the worse that can happen if he doesn't show for detention?

He has to go to school because if he skipped school the authorities would contact his parents. His parents already did not like him so if they were further bothered by him they would have beat him even more and even though he was a badass, school allowed him to escape from the torment he dealt with at home. School was an escape for the abused teenager that he was and the "badass" persona was his shield he put to try to block out the fact that he was a poor abused child.

This is such a great movie, My girlfriend and I took my mom to see it last Sunday in the theaters during a Flashback Cinema showing and then my girlfriend and I went and saw it again on Thursday.
Fun fact, I lived a couple miles down the street from the high school they filmed that movie growing up (was Maine North HS).

Now it's an Illinois State Police Headquarters.
Bender was a lil PUSSY BITCH!!!!

typical "Lame From Des Plaines"
Its crazy how accurate Breakfast Club is with this Bender character, almost every single high school had a Jonathan Bender, my school had a few of them. I went to two different high schools and we had a Bender, one of them was in my theater class looked, like him, talked like him, same swag, attitude, smoked pot, an was always blunt, he even made out with the goody two shoes white girl in my class we caught them french kissing in the editing room.

I seen him on the facebook page for my high school alumni he is late 30s now and looks nothing like he did in high school and he is a real estate broker or something, the guy went from long hair pretty boy grunge rock dude, to a bloated big bell balding guy with a fat face and double chin.
Sounds like he graduated from weed to booze and coke.
I think I’ve seen this movie more times than I’ve seen any other movie, but I’ve never actually set out to watch it. That being said, I enjoy it every time.
The allegory of the film implied that Bender was going to become important.

If the guy is such a badass, why does he even attend school and certainly why would he attend Saturday Detentions?

What's the worse that can happen if he doesn't show for detention?


It's a cry for help. Also he can't stay home cause his parents abuse him, and if he goes anywhere else the cops probably harass the shit out of him.
My sister dated a "John Bender". My sister was four years older than me, and he was the same age. He was in my 7th grade homeroom. Dude ended up getting hit by car when he ran out of a tree line and onto the road. Some homeowner caught him trying to steal a bike on their property and chased him off.

My sister had a VHS of his funeral. It was pretty classic. My sister was wearing this trashy miniskirt with 80's mall hair. There were all these headbangers with concert shirts and jean jackets with backpatches. You could hear the deceased's mother with her cigarette coughing, all throughout the service. Someone had a boombox and played Slayer. They were slowly banging their heads, because it was a solemn occasion. My sister did this corny "Ah luuuuve you, babe!". Someone put a bottle of Jack Daniels on his coffin with cheers from the crowd.

I really wish I could have made a copy of it.
Also obligatory Kevin Smith dialogue

Bethany: May I ask what brought you here?

Jay: Some fuck named John Hughes.

Bethany: "16 Candles" John Hughes?

Jay: You know that guy too? That fuckin' guy. He made this flick, "16 Candles". Not bad, there's tits in it but no bush. But Ebert over here don't give a shit about that kind of thing, 'cause he's like, all in love with this John Hughes guy. He goes out and rents, like, every one of his movies. Fuckin' "Breakfast Club", where all these stupid kids actually show up for detention. Fuckin' "Weird Science", where this babe wants to take her gear off and get down, but oh no, she don't, 'cause it's a PG movie. And then "Pretty in Pink", which I can't even watch with this tubby bitch anymore 'cause every time he gets to the part where the redhead hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little bitch with a skinned knee and shit. And there's nothing worse than watching a fuckin' fat man weep.

Bethany: What exactly brought you to Illinois?

Jay: See, all these movies take place in this small town called Shermer in Illinois, where all the honeys are top-shelf but all the dudes are whiny pussies. Except for Judd Nelson, he was fuckin' harsh. But best of all, there was no one dealin', man. And then it hits me: we could live like FAT rats if we were the blunt connection in Shermer, Illinois. So we collected some money we were owed and caught a bus. But you know what the fuck we found out when we got there? There IS no Shermer in Illinois. Movies are fuckin' bullshit.