International The Brazilian Trump accused of genocide due to poor Covid response

SSgt Dickweed

Silver Belt
Apr 30, 2015
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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has reiterated that he has no plans to order a national lockdown, a day after the nation saw its highest number of coronavirus deaths in 24 hours.

Brazil’s Health Ministry registered 3,829 deaths on Wednesday, slightly lower than 4,195 fatalities from the previous day, a grim national record.

“We’re not going to accept this politics of stay home and shut everything down,” said Bolsonaro during a speech in the city of Chapeco, resisting mounting pressure on his government to account for its handling of the surging pandemic.

“There will be no national lockdown,” he said.

Bolsonaro, a COVID-19 sceptic who has downplayed the threat of the virus, has remained defiant in the face of public health experts who have increasingly voiced the need to implement strict coronavirus curbs to address the crisis.

Brazil’s more than 300,000 deaths from COVID-19 amount to the “biggest genocide” in the Latin American country’s history, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Friday in a scathing attack on current leader Jair Bolsonaro.

“On Tuesday, 3158 people died of COVID in Brazil. It’s the biggest genocide in our history,” Lula told Germany’s Der Spiegel weekly, adding that Bolsonaro had lied to the Brazilian people about the pandemic.


Meanwhile, April is already the second-worst month in Brazil’s pandemic, with nearly 37,000 deaths recorded as of Tuesday, after more than 66,000 deaths in March. Recent research by the University of Washington predicted that 100,000 Brazilians would die of COVID-19 this month.

On Tuesday, a Brazilian bar association commission wrote in a report that Bolsonaro had founded a “republic of death” and committed crimes “of responsibility” and “against humanity” with his response to the COVID-19 crisis.
You are mad he values liberty and freedom?
Sheep, the lot of you!
People that got the vaccine are still getting COVID-19 and they are now saying you have to take it every year. It’s become endemic at this point so Bolsonaro is correct for keeping everything open.
Did Bolsonaro directly give a single person covid? No? Then simma.
Did Bolsonaro directly give a single person covid? No? Then simma.

He probably did.

Following the latest positive test result, his third since getting infected, Bolsonaro "indefinitely postponed" upcoming trips to the north-eastern states of Piaui and Bahia, his office told AFP.

On Sunday, Bolsonaro greeted supporters at his residence, separated by a reflecting pool about two meters (six-and-a-half feet) wide.

He removed his face mask to talk to them and proudly held up a box of hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he is taking against the infection.

Both Bolsonaro and US President Donald Trump, whom he admires, have touted the medication as a treatment for COVID-19, despite scientific evidence it is ineffective against coronavirus.
People that got the vaccine are still getting COVID-19 and they are now saying you have to take it every year. It’s become endemic at this point so Bolsonaro is correct for keeping everything open.

You might not have the mental capacity to understand the COVID situation. If I were you, I would listen to experts and not some youtube dentist who is now some expert in virology.

Do you understand the definition of the word efficacy? the ability to produce a desired or intended result.

The Moderna vaccine has a 90% efficacy or ability to produce the desired result. So people will get COVID even if they took the vaccine because they were one of the unlucky ones. That doesn't mean the vaccine doesn't work.

As for taking the vaccine every year. There is still more to be known about how COVID mutates. This is nothing new in the world of virology. The flu mutates every year and goes through a major shift every 5 years. The same could happen for COVID but we need more understanding of how it works. It's novel for a reason. Do you know what novel means?

What will probably happen with COVID is that there will be a shot every year like the flu. It will be recommended for the elderly. Since most people either have natural immunity or got the first vaccine, if they get sick again with COVID it wouldn't be as deadly. This is the desired result.
Most of the countries didn't implement a national lockdown anyways so where's the issue? Besides, Bolsonaro also sent billions to all states so they could buy medicine, build hospitals and hire health professionals. Where did this money go?
And most importantly, the Brazilian Supreme Court prohibited the President of interfering in the states and cities during covid. It's literally a nothing burger.
Lula is a giant threat to Bolsonaro in next years election.

Lula gets the poor, the angry, left, etc

Hope Bolsonaro is okay

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has reiterated that he has no plans to order a national lockdown, a day after the nation saw its highest number of coronavirus deaths in 24 hours.

Brazil’s Health Ministry registered 3,829 deaths on Wednesday, slightly lower than 4,195 fatalities from the previous day, a grim national record.

“We’re not going to accept this politics of stay home and shut everything down,” said Bolsonaro during a speech in the city of Chapeco, resisting mounting pressure on his government to account for its handling of the surging pandemic.

“There will be no national lockdown,” he said.

Bolsonaro, a COVID-19 sceptic who has downplayed the threat of the virus, has remained defiant in the face of public health experts who have increasingly voiced the need to implement strict coronavirus curbs to address the crisis.

Brazil’s more than 300,000 deaths from COVID-19 amount to the “biggest genocide” in the Latin American country’s history, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Friday in a scathing attack on current leader Jair Bolsonaro.

“On Tuesday, 3158 people died of COVID in Brazil. It’s the biggest genocide in our history,” Lula told Germany’s Der Spiegel weekly, adding that Bolsonaro had lied to the Brazilian people about the pandemic.


Meanwhile, April is already the second-worst month in Brazil’s pandemic, with nearly 37,000 deaths recorded as of Tuesday, after more than 66,000 deaths in March. Recent research by the University of Washington predicted that 100,000 Brazilians would die of COVID-19 this month.

On Tuesday, a Brazilian bar association commission wrote in a report that Bolsonaro had founded a “republic of death” and committed crimes “of responsibility” and “against humanity” with his response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Where did Trump accuse Bolsonaro of committing genocide, bro?
His response was obviously not good but calling it a "genocide" is just fucking stupid.
What does Trump have to do with how the Brazilian President chooses to run Brazil?

TS, relax, the mean orange man is gone now. Take a deep breath and try to not think about him. You'll notice you'll start having less nightmares about him.

If you're afraid of Covid, stay home. Politicans ordering shutdowns are dictators guilty of crimes against humanity.
If you don’t care to be a functioning member of society, stay home. We don’t need selfish people like you killing other people because you can’t be a decent person.
People that got the vaccine are still getting COVID-19 and they are now saying you have to take it every year. It’s become endemic at this point so Bolsonaro is correct for keeping everything open.
The 0.008% of them?
If you're afraid of Covid, stay home. Politicans ordering shutdowns are dictators guilty of crimes against humanity.
As Cuomo said today, you have the right to refuse the vaccine, but you dont have the right to spread covid.
If you don’t care to be a functioning member of society, stay home. We don’t need selfish people like you killing other people because you can’t be a decent person.
And how exactly is he killing other people? The worse he can do is give another person (if he has it) a disease that has a 99% survival rate for anyone under 70.
And how exactly is he killing other people? The worse he can do is give another person (if he has it) a disease that has a 99% survival rate for anyone under 70.
Do you know how exponential growth works?