i recently moved and have no gym equipment at my new place yet and cant afford a gym membership at this time. I was wondering if you guys could give me some alternatives to deadlifts, squats, and benchpress using easy to find/make items such as sandbags etc.......
Yes, I am aware of "Never Gymless" at rosstraining.com but i am really really tight on money right now (moving out is tough hah) so if you guys could help me out that would be great. My old lift routine was very similar to the three day Pull/Press/Squat split you guys have in the FAQs.
Yes, I am aware of "Never Gymless" at rosstraining.com but i am really really tight on money right now (moving out is tough hah) so if you guys could help me out that would be great. My old lift routine was very similar to the three day Pull/Press/Squat split you guys have in the FAQs.